Selected images from the Winter 2024 - 25 January 2025 catalogue are promoted above. The Catalogue with three pages of colour images is available here Lots 1280/1281 can be viewed here

Requests for viewing of individual lots by email scans to be sent by January 11th to  David Parmley, whose address members will find in the current Journal. Enquiries welcome, preferably via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone 07464 926250.

David writes : "Thanks to all who participated in the last auction. In the end there were 40 bidders and 43 % of lots sold. For this renewal 11 vendors have entered 1809 lots of which 85% is newly listed and the re-offered items have generally been discounted significantly so plenty of interest.

Please note there will be no unsolds offered as there is so little interest and the process only serves to delay closure and pay the vendors. Please see the notes after the listing. ". David Parmley.

This Auction is limited to France & Colonies Philatelic Society members.  Membership Form.

The next sale will be the Spring auction closing for bids in May 2025.   Please continue to support the auction by sending material to DAVID PARMLEY, contact may also be made by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or phoning 07464 926250.


Three auctions annually are carried out via postal or email bids.

Items for sale in the auction are welcomed, see the instructions outlined in each auction catalogue. Please support the auctions by adding to your collections. Much hard work goes into running them and the reserves are lower than dealer prices! The Society also benefts from the 10% commission charged to vendors.
