The Journal of the France & Colonies Philatelic Society is now published three times per year, in April, August, and December. It contains articles by members and non-members on all aspects of philately, postal history and related topics concerning France and her former Colonies. Society Notes, Lists of Recently Published Articles (in French and other philatelic periodicals), Reports of Meetings, Illustrated Auction Lots, Books Reviewed and Noted, updated French Postal Rates, and the annual Index (in the last issue of the year) are all regular features.

A list of the contents below will give an idea of what may be expected. Journals 215 - 297 are available for view as pdfs - click on the image and the .pdf will open. A few issues from the last two or three years are still available and members should contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Roger Niven to check availability and price.

Cumulative Index to Society Periodicals 1949 - 1997 including history of the Journal and past Editors (page 13)

Searchable list of Contents for Journals 215 - 294

Number 306 – December 2024

Usage of the (1938 - 1941) - Part 1 (Edwin Voerman)
Série Sites et Monuments/Série touristique d’usage courant
Precursors of the French postal card - Part 5: The French balloon cards (Frans Jorissen)
Marianne de Muller Part 7a: the 25 franc issue (YT 1011C) - Sheet Printings, Coils and Booklets of 20 (Mick Bister)
There’s No Business Like...Show Business – Connections on French Stamps - Part 8 (David Parmley) •  Due to space constraints the full article on French Cinema Stars is included here.
Postal Mischief Levels 1 and 2 (Michael Round)
The Suez Canal Stamp Forgeries by Saatjian - Part 2: The 1c and 20c Forgeries (Paul Grigg)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  Se souvenir de la France paysanne (Mick Bister)
•  The Ligne de Saigon à Bangkok (Rory Morrisey)
•  New Caledonia Whimsy, 1901-style (Michael Round)
•  The 25F Colour Proofs of 1959 Marianne à la Nef (Shivshankar Nair / Mick Bister)
•  Cancellations on ‘Navigation and Commerce’ issues (Ed Grabowski)
•  Somali Coast Antics - postmarks not exempt (Michael Round)
•  Cameroun Ecole Supérieure des P&T and Timbres Fictif (Marty Bratzel)
•  Two highlights from the Winter Auction: 25 January 2025 (not illustrated in the Auction catalogue).
•  End of an era - A lifetime of Postage Stamps (a potted history) (Terry Garcia / David Parmley)
Bookshelf (Reviewed by Michael Round)
•  Madagascar, Philatélie Malagache: Tome 1 Les Affranchissements, by Jacques Desnos
Report of the Northern Meeting Group
New-issue listings from : Gibbons Stamp Monthly August - December 2024 (Michael Round)
Books Noted (Maurice Tyler)
List of Recently Published Articles (Maurice Tyler)
Index to 2024 (Jan Gane)
Advertisement for
•  French Territories - Modern Fine Used (Miles Cerny)
•  AVA Auctions Limited, Hong Kong

Number 305 – August 2024

August 2024Obituary - John Hammonds (Chris Hitchen)
Marianne de Muller Part 6b: the 20 franc issue (YT 1011B) – Booklet Printings and Postal Usage (Mick Bister)
There’s No Business Like Show Business – Connections on French Stamps - Part 7 (David Parmley)
•  Due to space constraints the full article on Josephine Baker is included here.
Precursors of the French postal card - Part 4: French postal cards issued by the German occupiers (Frans Jorissen)
The Suez Canal Stamp Forgeries by Saatjian -  Part 1: Introduction and the 5c Forgery (Paul Grigg)
Why I collect what I collect - People, Places and Incidents on miniature works of art (Jill Whitten)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  The 25F Marianne à la Nef Colour Proofs of 1959 (Shivshankar Nair / Mick Bister)
•  A Type Sage query Martin Taylor / David Parmley / Paul Watkins / Mick Bister)                  
•  ‘La Poste enfantine’ (Martin Taylor / Mick Bister)        
•  Cancellations on ‘Navigation and Commerce’ issues (Stan Fairchild / Peter Kelly)
•  The 1849 Notice (Martin Taylor / Mick Bister)
•  A helpful postmaster at Réunion (Peter Kelly)               
•  1949 Type Pasteur (Richard Broadhurst)   
•  Ebolowa - Another Resurrected Cameroun Datestamp (Marty Bratzel)
•  Geoff Gethin Award 2024
Reports of Meetings                 
•  48th Annual Philatelic Weekend, 7 - 9 March 2024 (David Parmley /  Peter Kelly)
•  Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 8 March 2024 (David Parmley)
List of Recently Published Articles (Maurice Tyler)
New-issue listings from Gibbons Stamp Monthly: April - July 2024 (Michael Round)
Books Noted (Maurice Tyler)
Bookshelf (Compiled and reviewed by Michael Round
•  La philatélie à Tahiti - Tome 2 1958 - 2008 by Christian Beslu
•  Timbres de Distributeurs, France,  Yvert & Tellier
Advertisement for
•  Europhilex 2025
•  Abacus Auctions - John Gibson’s Collection of the Sudan; France and Colonies: The Early Issues

Number 304 – April 2024

Obituary - Steve Ellis (Mick Bister)         
Obituary - Bob Larg (Chris Hitchen)
Development of Airmail Services in Réunion - The Bateau – Avion Period, 1932 – 1939 (Peter RA Kelly)     
The 12F Antoine-Augustin Parmentier (with an introduction to the designer and engraver Henry Cheffer) (Edwin Voerman)   
Marianne de Muller Part 6a: the 20 franc issue (YT 1011B) – Sheet, coil and stationery printings (Mick Bister) Precursors of the French postal card - Part 3: The German occupation stamps (Frans Jorissen)     
There’s No Business Like Show Business – Connections on French Stamps - Part 6 (David Parmley) 
Postal Markings of Le Havre (Keith Smith) 
Why I collect what I collect Beginnings (David Prendy) 
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers                                                       
•  Discovering post boxes in ‘La France Profonde’ (John Morton)            
•  A letter from Chad to China (Paul Grigg)
•  Marianne de l’Avenir (Richard Broadhurst)
•  Chambre des Députés (Jan Gane) 
•  ‘"The ‘POSTELEC’ experiment 1985 to 1987 (Paul Watkins) 
•  Mauritania, modern varieties (Michael Round) 
•  Yvert & Tellier ‘Timbres de France’ Catalogue 2024 (Reviewed by Richard Broadhurst) 
•  Stanley Gibbons Catalogue, ‘France’ (Reviewed by Richard Broadhurst)     
New-issue listings from Gibbons Stamp Monthly: December 2023 - March 2024 (Michael Round) 
Books Noted (Maurice Tyler)  
List of Recently Published Articles (Maurice Tyler)
A superb item from the Spring Auction

Number 303 – December 2023

Obituary - Ashley Lawrence (Mick Bister)
Obituary - Godfrey Bowden (Chris Hitchen)
Tombouctou and the Niger Bend (Peter R A Kelly)
The adoption of stamp vending machines in France - Part 2: Identification of coil stamps and postal usage (Jean-Luc Raffel) 
Precursors of the French postal card - Part 2 (Frans Jorissen)
There’s No Business Like Show Business – Connections on French Stamps - Part 5 (David Parmley)
Bank Balance Request Service (Notification d’avoir à une date déterminée) (Edwin Voerman)        
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  ‘POSTELEC’ 1985 (Paul Watkins)                                                                
•  Epic of Vimy – a Canadian Pilgrimage (Don Hedger)
•  The Post Box and the Postman (Mick Bister)
•  The Gouverneur-Général Ballay Issue of French West Africa 1906/7 - An Illustrated Study of the 5F Forgery (Simon Binsted)
•  Postcards from Metz; fakes, forgeries or fantasies? (Mick Bister)
Reports of Meetings
•  Joint Meeting of WASC & F&CPS (Paul Redhead)
•  Northern Group - 14 October 2023 (Steve Ellis)
List of Recently Published Articles (Maurice Tyler)
•  Courriers de la Marine Française durant la seconde guerre mondiale racontés par les Entiers postaux. By Philippe Pignon and Éric Panozzo (Reviewed by Chris Hitchen)
Index to Volume 73

Number 302 – August 2023

 J302 Front cover

Yokadouma, Cameroun – Moving the Mail to, from and within the Middle of Nowhere (Marty Bratzel)
Marianne de Muller Part 5: the 18 franc issue (YT 1011A) (Mick Bister)
There’s No Business Like.Show Business – Connections on French Stamps Part 4 (David Parmley)
A New Theme from Niger? (Michael Round)
The adoption of stamp vending machines in France Part 1: Machines and Technology (Jean-Luc Raffel)
Precursors of the French postal card Part 1 (Frans Jorissen)
F&CPS Publications List (Richard Broadhurst)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers             
•  ‘Avis de réception après le dépôt’ Advice of receipt after time of posting (Edwin Voerman)               
•  French Congo: The 5c and 15c “Valeur” Stamps Surcharged at Brazzaville (Simon Binsted)
Reports of Meetings
•  47th Annual Philatelic Weekend, 10 - 12 March 2023 (David Parmley)
•  Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 11 March 2023 (Chris Hitchen)
•  A short review of the Joint Meeting of F&CPS and WASC
2024 Philatelic Weekend advance notice (David Parmley)
Bookshelf (Michael Round)
•  L’émission “Faidherbe-Palmiers-Ballay”, by Pierre Rohmer (Michael Round)
•  New-issue listings from Stanley Gibbons (Michael Round)
List of Recently Published Articles (Maurice Tyler)            
Books Noted (Maurice Tyler)      

Number 301 – April 2023

Journal 301 April 2023

Underpayments on foreign mail from France after 1849 (Chris Hitchen)                  
The 1944 Liberation stamps of Montreuil-Bellay Part 2: The ‘Département’ RF Overprint in black (Mick Bister)                       
The precursor postcards of France 1873 -1878 Part 2 (Peter RA Kelly)      
Marianne de Muller Part 4: the 12 franc issue (YT 1010) (Mick Bister)      
There’s no business like…Show Business - Connections on French stamps Part 3 (David Parmley)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers                                            
•  Meyo-Centre and Bipindi, Cameroun – Mail from un établissement de distributeur postal (Marty Bratzel)
•  The Birth of the Precursor Cards of 1873 (Peter RA Kelly)               
•  WW II French POW mail routed via Britain - The discovery of France to Germany correspondence (Paul Watkins) 
•  The 1943 Paris Airmail Exhibition - A request for information (Roy Reader)            
•  Marianne l’Effacée! Part 2 (Richard Broadhurst)
New-issue listings from Stanley Gibbons: December 2022 – March 2023 (Michael Round)
Bookshelf (Michael Round)                        
•  L’émission “Faidherbe-Palmiers-Ballay”, La Poste Pneumatique de Paris,
•  Le Bulletin de la Philatélie et de la Numismatique au Maroc, Stamps of French India          
List of Recently Published Articles (Maurice Tyler)
Obituary - John Parmenter (Mick Bister)

Number 300 – December 2022

J300 Frontpage smThe precursor postcards of France 1873 -1878 Part 1 (Peter RA Kelly)
The 1944 Liberation stamps of Montreuil-Bellay Part 1: The Local Maquis Overprints (Mick Bister)
Emile Dupuis – A War Artist (Dahlia R Harrison)
Marianne de Muller Part 3: the 6 franc issue (YT 1009A) (Mick Bister)
There’s no business like…show business - Connections on French stamps Part 2 (David Parmley)
The 70F Pont Valentré issue (Edwin Voerman)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  Celebrating the Past
  •  Early Use of Registration Labels 1900-1909 (Peter Kelly)
  •  Editors of the Journal (Jan Gane)
  •  Experts beware - A faked 1870 Alsace-Lorraine cover (Stephen Holder)
•  View from the past: Martinique (Michael Round)
•  Algeria: a surcharged vignette (Michael Round)
•  Madagascar: Cataloguing the surcharges of 1998-9 (Michael Round)
•  2022 Europa (CEPT) Issue “Stories & Myths” – Mélusine (Jan Gane)
•  Côte d’Ivoire Colis Postaux CP9 and CP10 of December 1903 (Maurice Tyler)
•  France: Le ‘Burelé’ à l’affiche (Richard Broadhurst)
•  Post free mail to the Sécurité Sociale (Mick Bister)
•  Advertisement - Channel Islands Specialists’ Society
•  Comité Français de la Croix-Bleue (Dahlia Harrison)
•  Advertisement - Joint meeting in March with the West Africa Study Circle
•  Marianne l’Effacée! (Richard Broadhurst)
Bookshelf (Michael Round)
•  Les colonies françaises 1939-1945, Volume 1 François Chauvin Timbres magazine
•  Yvert & Tellier ‘Timbres De France’ Catalogue 2023 (Richard Broadhurst)
New-issue listings from Stanley Gibbons: August - November 2022 (Michael Round) 
Notable Auction Lots (David Parmley)
Index to Volume 72, 2022 (Jan Gane)

Number 299 – August 2022

J299 Front Cover

Marianne de Muller Part 2: The 15 Franc issue (YT 1011) (Mick Bister)
Réunion Maritime The Difficulties and Dangers of Maritime Travel Part II. War in the Indian Ocean 1794 - 1814 (Peter R.A. Kelly)
A study of the François Fournier forgeries of the ‘Navigation and Commerce’ issue (Simon Binsted)
The Republican calendar in France (Chris Hitchen)
Côte d’Ivoire Colis Postaux CP9 and CP10 of December 1903 as listed in the 2022 edition of the Yvert & Tellier Colonies Françaises Catalogue (Simon Binsted)
There’s no business like…Show business - connections on French stamps (David Parmley)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  A dispute between neighbours ‘La crise franco-monégasque 1962-1963’ (Edwin Voerman)
•  The Winged Victory of Samothrace ( Larry Rosenblum)
•  A Question via email - London to Tunis via Marseilles (Peter Maybury)
•  A Question from the Forum - A redirected cover to St Nazaire (Chris Hitchen)
•  The future of the Annual Philatelic Weekend (David Parmley)
•  Early Booking details of F&CPS Annual Philatelic Weekend
•  The o,40 Chapelle Notre-Dame du Haut Ronchamp coil – a dorsal number variation? (Mick Bister)
•  Manuscript chiffres-taxe (Jan Gane)
Au Coin des neophytes
•  Réunion to Montevideo
Reports of Meetings:
•  46th Annual Philatelic Weekend, 11 to 13 March 2022
•  Northern Group Meeting of 4 April 2022
•  Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 12 March 2022
•  Northern Group Meeting of 9 July 2022
Bookshelf (M Round)
•  French Transsaharan Mails and History, Post Offices and Communications in Niger by P. R.A. Kelly FRPSL
•  Delivered by the Hotel’s Care - The Private Postal Services of French Hotels in Jersey by Roger E. Harris
•  The Postmarks and Postal History of Cameroun under French Administration - 1916-1959 by M.P. Bratzel, Jr.
•  British West Africa and the French Airmail Services to June 1940 by B. Priddy

Number 298 – April 2022

 J298 Front coverAny which way that works: WWII airmail routes from French West Africa to Switzerland (B Priddy)
Réunion Maritime: The Difficulties and Dangers of Maritime Travel Prior to the Opening of the Port in 1886 -
     Part I: The Maritime Element (P R A Kelly)
Marianne de Muller Part 1: Introduction (M Bister)
Censorship of Civilian Mail in Madagascar During WWII - Handstamps and Labels (J Parmenter et al)
Liberating France from Fascism, the postage stamp way (L Konzon) Notes: (D Hogarth)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  A snapshot in Time - Paris Reuilly post office (C Hitchen)            
•  The Second Fronde French Civil War 1650 – 1653 (J Cowlin)        
•  French King Louis-Philippe I Annual Review on 28th July 1835 (J Cowlin)
•  Victoria, Cameroun Postmark Surprise (M Bratzel)
•  Homage to Jean-Luc Trassaert (M Bister)
•  The Avenue de Laumière in the 19th arrondissement (C Hitchen)
•  Indian Ocean Island (Fun and) Games (M Round)
•  Indian Settlements - a double bonus (M Round)
•  Exhibition Successes - London 2022
Au Coin des neophytes
•  Post office efficiency - Post office inefficiency (C Hitchen)
Reports of Meetings
•  London Group Meeting of 30 October 2021, Members’ Displays (M Bister)
Advertisement: French Transsaharan Mails and History, Post Offices and Communications in Niger by P R A Kelly
Bookshelf (M Round)
•  Review of Yvert et Tellier, Catalogue de Timbres-Poste: Colonies Françaises et Bureaux Français à l’Étranger 2022
•  Les colonies françaises 1939-1945, Volume 1 François Chauvin Timbres magazine
•  British West Africa and the French Airmail Services to June 1940 by B Priddy
•  Yvert & Tellier ‘Timbres De France’ Catalogue 2022 Reviewed by R Broadhurst
New-issue listings from Stanley Gibbons: October 2021-February 2022 (M Round)

Number 297 – December 2021

J297 December 2021

The Atlantic Pockets in France 1945 (D Hogarth)
The 12th UPU Congress, Paris, 1947 (E Voerman)
Heroes of the French Resistance (J West)
Censorship of Civilian Mail in Madagascar During WWII - Handstamps and Labels (J Parmenter et al)
New postal rates in France 2022 (R Broadhurst)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  New Caledonia (D Brown) - Reply (M Round)
•  Fraud and franchise abuse before 1849 - an update (C Hitchen)
•  Congo Brazzaville – an important cover (M Round)
•  The French Revolution 1789 – 1795 (J Cowlin)
•  A quick guide to spotting Fournier forgeries of Congo Français Nº1 Colis Postaux 1891 (S Binsted)
•  First sailing of the SS Normandie (D Garrod FRPS)
•  Imperial Airways Study Group
•  Tahiti – a dead giveaway (M Round)
•  Unique Concorde Miniature Sheet (R Broadhurst)
•  1855 letter certified by the Mayor of Ardennes Sevigny (L Wiechula)
Au Coin des neophytes -
•  1855 letter certified by the Mayor of Ardennes Sevigny (L Wiechula)
Reports of Meetings ,
•  45th Philatelic Weekend at Charlecote 9-11 July 2021 (C Hitchen)
•  Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 10 July 2021 (A T Brunton)
•  Examiner’s Report (A King)
Bookshelf (M Round)
•  Review of Art du Timbre Gravé by L’Association du Timbre Gravé (M Round)
•  The Postmarks and Postal History of Cameroun Under French Administration – 1916-1959 (MP Bratzel, Jr)
List of Recently Published Articles (M Tyler)
Books Noted (M Tyler)
•  New-issue listings from Stanley Gibbons: July-October 2021 (M Round)
•  Index to Volume 71, 2021 (J Gane)

Number 296 – August 2021

Journal 296Fraud and franchise abuse in the French post office before 1849 (C J Hitchen)
Recouvrements Service Envelope N°1494 Variants (D Huckett)
Réunion - mail from a distant shore (P R A Kelly FRPSL)
La France d’outre-mer : The Quinzaine Impériale and Joseph Foret (D J Hogarth)
Collecting by Topic: The Châteaux of France Part One: The Stamps (R Niven)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  The 1959 Fréjus Disaster Fund Issue (E Voerman)
•  My very first stamp (J Wolvers)
•  Identification of dated corner blocks of the 20c Rose-Lilac Cameo Sower (M Blackledge and M L Bister)
•  The French Revolutionary Wars 1798 - 1802: (5) The evacuation of French troops from Egypt, 1800 (J Cowlin)
•  Classic Forgeries Query: (1) Cérès (R Abela)
•  Gabon Y& T 14 + 15 (18 May 1889): forgeries (S Binsted)
•  The Fournier Forgeries (S Binsted)
•  Côte d’Ivoire Y&T Colis Postaux 7g + 7h: forgeries (S Binsted)
•  The Royal Visit to France 1938 (M Meadowcroft)
•  Redirection of International Mail at the Original Rate (E Voerman and J Vellekoop)
•  Cancellations and rates applying to French newspapers (P R A Kelly FRPSL)
•  A Postcard Mystery (P Maybury)
•  What is this? (1) Côte D’Or et Gabon (S Fairchild)
•  What is this? (2) Postmark (S Fairchild)
•  What is this? (3) ½ centime en plus (S Fairchild)
•  French Colonies General Issues (P R A Kelly FRPSL)
•  Congo Français correction (S Binsted and M Parren)
•  Classic Forgeries Query: (2) Cérès, a forger’s forgery? (R Abela)
•  Les timbres-poste ‘Changement de tarif’ (R N Broadhurst)
•  Censorship of Civilian Mail in Madagascar During World War II
•  Au Coin des neophytes (P R A Kelly FRPSL)
•  Problems with reply paid letter cards sent out of the country of issue (P R A Kelly FRPSL)
Bookshelf (M Round)
•  Review of: Les surcharges locales de 1992 à 1997 aux Comores, Le Philatéliste Croix-Rouge, Marianne, Maurice Noguès vers l’Asie avec la nuit, Air France et le Breguet Deux-Ponts

Number 295 – April 2021

J295 Front coverThe Cathedrals, Basilicas, and Churches of France (R Niven)
Post-independence postmarks of the Central African Republic - Part 4 (M Parren & M Bohnstedt)
French Transatlantic Mail (S Ellis)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  Cérès de Bordeaux Commemorative Booklet (A T Brunton)
•  Post-Delandre Red Cross Booklets (J West)
•  The Belgian and French franc exchange rate of 1928 as seen in the application of postage due (E Voerman)
•  Syria à cheval: twice! (M Round)
•  The Napoleonic Wars 1803 – 1815: (3) The Russian Campaign of 1812-1813, Magdeburg (J Cowlin)
•  The Napoleonic Wars 1803 – 1815: (4) Lost in action (J Cowlin)
•  50th Anniversary of stamp printing at Boulazac (R N Broadhurst)
•  Madagascar: the 2f Lemur of 1961 (M Round)
•  Taxation of a Letter sent under Military Franchise from French Soudan to France (P R A Kelly FRPSL)
•  Playing with the Post in WWII: Interzone Postcards (D J Hogarth)
•  Avis de recherche - Research request (B Mattei)
•  Algeria: Modern fiscals used for postage (M Round)
•  Recommandé d’office (C Hitchen)
•  The 1f50 ‘tolerated’ letter rate to the Comité International de la Croix Rouge in Geneva (J Moffat)
•  Poste Mobile query (J Moffat)
•  Ambulant query (J Moffat)
•  French Colonies General Issues (S Fairchild)
•  Zoom into the US
•  Mail from Réunion landed at La Flotte (P R A Kelly FRPSL) 
Bookshelf (M Round)
•  Review of: The Development of French Postal Communications in the Algerian Sahara by P R A Kelly FRPSL, FSPH  (M Round)
•  Bulletins Reviewed: L’Entier Postal, Bulletin Philatélique et Cartophile, Cercle Aérophilatélique Français,
•  New-issue listings from Stanley Gibbons (M Round)

Number 294 – December 2020

Journal 294 December 2020France and the British post office 1660 to 1833 (C. Hitchen) .
Post-independence postmarks of the Central African Republic - Part 3 (M. Parren & M. Bohnstedt).
The International Reciprocal Concessionary Rate for Newspapers and Periodicals (E. Voerman) .
The 1F50 ‘tolerated’ letter rate to the Comité International de la Croix Rouge in Geneva (M. Bister).
A guide to blocs-feuillets and other miniature sheets (R. Broadhurst) .
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  Jeunesse & Montagne (D. Hogarth).
•  French Transatlantic Mail (S. Ellis)
•  Guadeloupe Puzzle (M. Tyler) .
•  The Napoleonic Wars 1803 – 1815: (1) The Treaties of Tilsit (J. Cowlin)
•  The Napoleonic Wars 1803 – 1815: (2) The Capture of Vilna (J. Cowlin)
•  FIDES vignettes (R. Broadhurst)
•  Die proofs of issued and unissued designs (P. Miller)
•  Research Offers: Spanish Civil War Refugees in France and Citadel of Sisteron (D. Hogarth)
•  New postal rates in France 2021 (R. Broadhurst)
•  Proof of posting (T. Cordell)

Number 293 – August 2020

Journal 293 August 2020Post-independence postmarks of the Central African Republic - Part 2 (M Parren & M Bohnstedt)
Camp des Milles (David Hogarth)
St. Pierre & Miquelon: The 1885 Gothic Surcharges (J R. Taylor FRPSL)
The CFA franc, and other currencies (M Round)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  The French Red Cross: The Russian that no one wanted (J West)
•  Guadeloupe Puzzle, Solved (M Round)
•  Mourning Envelopes (E Voerman)
•  Albert Decaris proofs (E Voerman)
•  Look after your valuables (D J Morris ACII)
•  An unpublished moveable box mark The Boîte Mobile orné of Neuvy-sur-Loire (P Kelly FRPSL)
•  Le Foyer du soldat (C Scott FRPSL)
•  Camp des Milles Addenda (M Bister)
•  French Mourning Stationery (C Scott FRPSL)
•  Mourning Covers (M Bister)
•  Senegal: Rare destination of a Post Office postal stationery wrapper from Great Britain (P Kelly FRPSL)
•  Type Duval Chiffre-Taxe (D Huckett)

Number 292 – April 2020

Journal 292 April 2020Post-independence postmarks of the Central African Republic - Part 1 (M Parren & M Bohnstedt)
Senegal: Rare Destination of a Post Office (Dr J K Courtis FRPSL)
French Mandates of Syria and Lebanon - Part 3 (A Lawrence)
Grenoble Winter Olympics: 6 - 18 February 1968 (E Voerman)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  170th Anniversary of the first French postage stamp 20c Cérès,1849-2019 (cont.) (R Broadhurst)
•  URGENT letters from Indochina (R Bentley)
•  French WW2 POW mail from German prison camps addressed to France “c/o General Post Office Via Grande-Bretagne" (Various contributors)
•  Fake or fortune? (M Alder)
•  Type Sage, missing imprint – suite (M Round)
•  Wartime Mail held in Transit (D Hogarth)
•  New Postal rates in France 2020 (R Broadhurst)
•  Reopening of the Musée de la Poste (R Broadhurst)

Number 291 – December 2019

Journal 291 December 2019Marianne and the Bear: Franco-Russian Relations 1891-1901 (D J Hogarth)
French WW2 POW mail from German prison camps addressed to France “c/o General Post Offce via Grande Bretagne” (D H Trapnell)
French Mandates of Syria and Lebanon, Part 2 (A J Lawrence)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  Fiscal Use of the Indochina Allegorical Group Type Stamps (E J Grabowski)
•  Monaco franking (M L Bister)
•  Fake or fortune? (D Atkins)
•  Printing Quality of the 170th Anniversary of the First French Stamp Miniature Sheet (A Telfer Brunton)
•  The Relais Poste in Normandy (M L Bister)
•  A Guadeloupe Puzzle (M Round)

Number 290 – August 2019

Journal 290 August 2019Côte d’Ivoire SECAP meter stamps used at post offces since 1997 (M Parren)
French Mandates of Syria and Lebanon, Part 1 (A J Lawrence)
The Coiffes Régionales of the 18th Century issue (E Voerman)
New Postal Forgeries of Marianne Self-adhesive Stamps used on Nigerian-type Scam Letters (F P Katz)
From Vichy France to England via Lisbon, March-July 1941 (Ms B M K Priddy)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
 •  Marianne l’engagée Update (R N Broadhurst)
 •  170th Anniversary of the frst French postage stamp 20c Cérès, 1849-2019 (R N Broadhurst)
 •  La Réunion: the ‘2c’ surcharge of 7 December 1894 (S Fairchild, M Round)
 •  New Caledonia (M Round)
 •  Little and Large (M Round, M L Bister)
 •  Indochina stamp (M Blackledge, R Bentley)
 •  French Somali Coast (M Round)
 •  Mystery of the 1F Le Touquet airmail rate (M L Bister)

Number 289 – April 2019 - 70th Aniversary Edition

Journal 289 April 2019From Stamp Club to Philatelic Society (M L Bister)
A Member Remembers (G I Nash)
Vive la F&CPS! (M L Bister)
Mauritania - the 1F50 stamps of 1938 and 1947 (W G Mitchell).
Riots in Réunion 1868 and a French Warship (P R A Kelly)
The Paris-Calais Estafette – First Recorded Use (W Williams)
Just before France joined the General Postal Union 1 July - 31 December 1875 (Mme B Abensur)
The ‘Palm-Climber’ issue of Dahomey (J Dutt)
Beauty and the Beast – A Tale of Two Planes (D J Hogarth)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers.
 •  Un passe-temps agréable! (M Round)
 •  Comoro Islands: Two Mysterious Face Values (M Round)
 •  Marianne l’engagée update (R N Broadhurst).
 •  A Labour of Love: La Tour Eiffel (D L Prendy).
•  A taxing cover from Nigeria to Niger (S Wells) .
Number 288 – December 2018

Journal 288 December 2018Le Relais Poste Urbain – a major change in the post office network in France (C J Hitchen)
Newspaper Wrapper from Great Britain to Saigon via Brindisi (Dr J K Courtis FRPSL)
Post-independence postmarks of Brazzaville, Part 2 (M Parren)
German Directional handstamps on the mail of WW2 French POWs in Germany (D H Trapnell)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers.
 •  Marianne l’engagée (R N Broadhurst)
 •  Visa pour Date (E Voerman)
 •  Andorra Update (M Round)
 •  The Winged Victory of Samothrace (D G Parmley)
 •  Dogba Revisited (P R A Kelly)
 •  New earliest cancellation reported for Cové, Dahomey (J Dutt)
 •  Aspects of Anti-Communism in Vichy France (E Voerman)

Number 287 – September 2018

Journal 287 August 2018Obituary: Derek Richardson (M L Bister, M S Tyler, C J Hitchen)
Bureaux et Recettes Auxiliaires 1887-1902: Their background, function and operation, Part 2 (P R A Kelly)
Aspects of Anti-Communism in Vichy France: A Tale of Two Legions (D J Hogarth)
The Winged Victory of Samothrace (E Voerman)
Post-independence postmarks of Brazzaville, Part 1 (M Parren)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
 •  Cameroun – Bui Poste Automobile Rurale Postmark and ‘Mitterand’ error (M StJ Wright & M P Bratzel)
 •  Free French 1944 Christmas Charity Postcard (J Lucaci)
 •  Dogba Revisited (E J Grabowski)
 •  Andorra insists! (M Round)
 •  The Joseph de la Nézière pictorials of French West Africa (M L Bister)
 •  42nd Annual Philatelic Weekend 9-11 March 2018 (MLB)

Number 286 – April 2018

Journal 286 April 2018The Joseph de la Nézière Pictorials of French West Africa (M L Bister)
Bureaux et Recettes Auxiliaires 1887-1902, their background, function and operation, Part 1 1887-1894 (P R A Kelly)
Wrapper from Great Britain to Nossi-Bé, Madagascar (J K Courtis)
Digital Image Resuscitation - an amateur’s method (D H Trapnell)
Digging for Dogba (S Binsted)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
 •  Cabolé - Dahomey et Dépendances (W G Mitchell)
 •  An Experiment in Printing Colour (M S Tyler)
 •  Philatelic Confections in World War II (D J Hogarth)
 •  Free French 1944 Christmas Charity Postcard (R D Larg)

Number 285 – December 2017

Journal 285 December 2017Paris: the post offce for the Place du Châtelet and les Halles (C J Hitchen)
Chère Maman – A Sailor’s Story ... – A Sailor’s Story – from France and the Mediterranean
to Gabon and Cameroun – the Vicissitudes and Impact of World War II (M P Bratzel)
South of Suez (O Dahl, revisited by M Round)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
 •  1902 annotation curiosity (M L Bister)
 •  Mauritania: The 1F50 Brown-Red (M Round)
 •  Unissued ‘Peace’ design (M L Bister)
 •  Cabolé - Dahomey et Dépendances (S Binsted, M S Tyler)
 •  Renovated post office in Burgundy (M L Bister)
 •  Request for WWII German Handstamps (D H Trapnell)
 •  Calling all Colonies collectors [Madagascar] (J Parmenter)

Number 284 – June 2017

Journal 284 June 2017The 25c Visiting Card Rate from 1 April 1920 to 15 July 1925 (M L Bister)
Avis de Réception 1876-1914 (P R A Kelly)
The 30 centimes orange Cameo Sower—a not inconsequential stamp (S J Luft)
Urgent Payments (Virements accélérés or chèques postaux accélérés) (E Voerman)




Number 283 – March 2017

Journal 283 March 2017Paris Instructional Marks from 1837 to 1950, Part 2 (C J Hitchen)
Red Cross overprints of the French Indian Settlements: 1915-16 (J C West)
French Postal Routes via Paris 1838-1848 (M Rego)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
•  Cameroun Continued – A Mute Cancel Identifed as a Railroad Postmark – and Elsewhere (M P Bratzel)
•  Registered ‘Autres Objets’ (E Voerman, M L Bister)
•  Debt Collection Service (R Bentley, E Voerman)
•  Museum of Philatelic History launched (press release by Royal Philatelic Society London)

 Number 282 – December 2016

Journal 282 December 2016List of Recently Published Articles (C W Spong and M S Tyler)

Paris Instructional Marks from 1837 to 1950, Part 1 (C J Hitchen)
Letter Tracking (D J Richardson)
Algeria: Post Offce Postal Stationery Wrappers (J K Courtis)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
 •  “In Tahiti I Brush My Teeth” (M Round)
 •  Mystery Solved – Non-Postal Cameroun Datestamp Identifed (M Collet & M P Bratzel)
 •  Edmund Dulac – Commemorative Miniature Sheet (M J Hopkinson, M L Bister)
 •  Nossi-Bé overprints (M P Singer, C W Spong, C S Holder)
 •  Two 18th Century Letters to and from the City of Algiers (J P Maybury)
 •  Spanish Flu in Djibouti (M Round)


 Number 281 – September 2016

Journal 281 September 2016The Coat-of-Arms Issues of France:1943-1966 (Mick Bister)
La Retirada - Spanish Refugees in France 1939-1942, Part Two (David Hogarth)
Business Papers, Samples and Additional Notes in France, 1876-1900
(with prior and post background information 1856-1910) (Peter Kelly)
A letter of 30 May 1815 (Héloïse Mitchell)




Number 280 – June 2016

Journal 280 June 2016La Retirada – Spanish Refugees in France 1939-1943, Part 1 (David Hogarth)
Military Mail from and to the Island of Réunion 1870-1899 (Peter Kelly)
A letter dated 15 June 1820 (Héloïse Mitchell & Paul Watkins)
Cameroun National Union Stamp Varieties – Double Overprint and No Overprint (Marty Bratzel)
An Early ‘Registered’ Letter (Peter Maybury)
Mail from French West African Colonies collected by German Mail Boats (John Mayne) 




Number 279 - March 2016

Journal 279 March 2016Monkey Business: Benin’s ‘Zin Kaka’ Quasi-Definitives of December 2003 (Part 2) (Nicholas Pertwee)
Valeurs-à-Recouvrer (Debt Collection Service) Part 2 (Edwin Voerman)
Foreign rates for the Debt Collection service (Chris Hitchen)
A Family Visits the Universal Exhibition of Paris in August 1900 (Peter Kelly)
An unusual articles d’argent letter of 1779 (Peter Maybury)
Early mail from French West Africa by German service (John Mayne)
Shorter Items - including Questions and Answers
 •  Monkeys Rampant (Michael Round)
 •  A letter from Guadeloupe dated February 1818 (Héloïse Mitchell & Paul Watkins)
 •  New N’Gaoundéré Cameroun Datestamp (Marty Bratzel)

Number 278 - December 2015

Journal 278 December 2015Open Philately (Héloïse Mitchell)
Valeurs-à-Recouvrer (Debt Collection Service) (Part 1) (Edwin Voerman)
Shorter Items:
 •  Current French  Polynesia Cancellations (John Ray)
 •  18th century entire Lyon-Paris  (Peter Maybury)
 •  Réunion facsimiles (Stephen Holder)
 •  Cheap postage, or what? (Stephen Holder)
 •  A letter dated 9 May 1793 (Héloïse Mitchell & Paul Watkins)
 •  French Guinea to France - but how? (John Mayne, Steve Ellis)
 •  Cameroun - A Mute Cancel Identified as a Railroad Postmark (Stephen Holder, David Williams)
 •  Colonies, 1871? (Stephen Holder)
 •  An Anomalous N'gila Cameroun Postmark (Marty Bratzel)
 •  Les Travailleurs (Stephen Holder)

Number 277 - September 2015

Journal 277 September 2015Monkey Business: Bénin's 'Zin Kaka' Quasi-Definitives of December 2003 (Pt 1)  (Nicholas Pertwee)
André Le Nôtre and the Jardins de France Series (David Hogarth)
Cameroun – A Mute Cancel Identified as a Railroad Postmark  (Marty Bratzel)
Shorter Items:
 •  Mail from Ekododo, Gabon (John Mayne, Mick Bister)
 •  Further information on the 1938 airmail rate to Tanganyika  (Barbara Priddy)
 •  Recommandé d'Office (Peter Maybury}
 •  Disturbing Mail (Roy Reader)
 •  Oval V.P.M. Handstamp (Peter Maybury)
 •  Special Mailing – Cameroun to France November 1944 (Marty Bratzel)
 •  Stamps on lottery tickets (Richard Broadhurst)
 •  Réunion facsimiles (John Mayne, Mick Bister)
 •  Cheap postage, or what? (Michael Round)
 •  Les Travailleurs (Steve Ellis)
 •  Colonies, 1871? ('Napoleon')

Number 276 - June 2015

Journal 276 June 2015Post Office Postal Stationery Wrappersof the French Colonies  (John Courtis)
The Bogus Artwork of Louis-Oscar Roty and Luc-Olivier Merson (Ashley Lawrence)
Les Travailleurs who helped win World War I  (David Trapnell)
Rare Letters to the Marianas Islands and the Hoaxing of François Lanfrey (Peter Kelly)
Shorter Items:
 •  Spreading the net widely in French West Africa (Peter Kelly)
 •  18th century entire from Lyon to Paris  (Nigel Borlase-Hendry, Maurice Tyler)
 •  Further information on Baarle-Hertog/Baerle-Duc (Hans Smith, 'Napoleon')
 •  Airmail to Tanganyika (Mick Bister)
 •  The Great Stamp Robbery (Richard Broadhurst)
 •  Unknown Essays (Peter Maybury)
 •  Price-Hike in Algeria (Michael Round)
Number 275 - March 2015

 Journal275Tchad: Postal Services in the Period of Military Pacification 1900-1920 (John Yeomans)
 The French Connection (John West)
 Monaco's Post Office Postal Stationery Wrappers (John Courtis)
 Shorter Items: 
•  Comoro Islands Stamps (Derek Atkins, John Mayne)
•  French and Flemish twin place names  (Alan Wood)
•  Une liaison dangereuse (Mick Bister)
•  PO Wrappers in the French Colonies (John Courtis)


Number 274 - December 2014

Journal274The Carton de Wiarts and Belgian Postal Services in France in the First World War (Bill Mitchell)
A Review of the State of the No 3154 Cancellation as Used in Ecuador (Stan Luft)
Gabon: The Development of the Postal Services 1862-1889 (John Yeomans)
Newspaper Wrappers of France: Supply and Demand (John Courtis)
French Forces and the air mails of Tunisia, 1919-1956 (David Trapnell)
Shorter Items:
 •  Philatecam 1971 in Cameroun (Marty Bratzel)
•  Lack of RF Overprint of 1944 on Dated Corner Block  (John Simmons)
 •  Identification and Catalogue References sought for Comoro Islands stamps (John Mayne)


Number 273 - September 2014

Journal 273The History of the Red Cross Stamp Issue in the Former French Colonies and French Post Offices Abroad during the First World War (André Métayer)
Detoured Alsace-Lorraine Mail - 1870 and Beyond (Stan Luft)
United States Mail to France in World War II, Part II (Lawrence Sherman)
Everywhere but Greece: The Travels of Two World War II Cameroun Airmails to Greece, Returned Due to the Suspension of Services (Adrian Ritoridis)
Shorter Items:
 •  West African Airmail to Marseille Transiting at Niamey (Barbara Priddy)
 •  Lack of RF Overprint of 1944 on Dated Corner Block  (Richard Broadhurst, Mick Bister)
 •  Cameroun Postmark Identification - Help Please (Marty Bratzel)
 •  Cameroun Mail (John Mayne)
 •  Togo - the 1921 issues, perhaps the last word? (John Mayne)
 •  Importance of Surnames (George Truell)
 •  World War II Map of Occupied France (David Trapnell)

Number 272 - June 2014

Journal 272United States Mail to France in World War II, Part I (Lawrence Sherman)
The Postal Treatment of Journals and Periodicals in France: The Type Sage Issue of France 1876-1900 (Peter Kelly)
Private Labels of the Upper Ubangi 1898-1899 (Luc Vander Marcken)
Douala to Marseille - A Multifaceted 1936 Air Mail Cover (Marty Bratzel)
The Postal History of PA Arromanches 1945-1974 (David Trapnell)
Shorter Items:
 •  France Packet Accounts for 2012 (Maurice Tyler)
 •  Vignettes for French Cameroon and Togo 1914-1916  (Harris Rosenberg)
•  The Second World War in Alsace-Moselle (Maurice Tyler)
•  Boulogne-sur-Mer + BM in oval - A New Discovery? (Peter Kelly)
•  Griffe (Chris Hitchen)
 •  Correspondence at Petit Popo in Togo (John Mayne)
 •  Lack of RF Overprint of 1944 on dated corner block (Anthony Greaves)
 •  World War I and the role of Togo (John Mayne)
 •  40c Cérès brown? (Ken Dixon)

Number 271 - March 2014 

Journal 271 March 201490 Years of Red Cross Booklets. Part 5 (John West)
A Design from Paris, 1870 (Ashley Lawrence)
The Second World War in Alsace-Moselle (Stan Luft)
Shorter Items:
 •  When did these wars start? (Ashley Lawrence, James Camak, Harris Rosenberg, Roy Reader, David Trapnell)
Post Offices in Egypt
(Mick Bister)

•  Forwarding Mail - No Profit is Too Small
(John Simmons)

•  Professor A Victor Segno:
Comments, and Griffe Mark (John Mayne)
•  Vignettes for French Cameroon and Togo 1914-1916 (John Mayne)
•  Lt. Colonel Loyd-Lindsay VC (Alan Wood)
 •  Madagascar 1921 1c Overprint on 15c (Robert Mustachic)

Number 270 - December 2013

Journal 270French Telegrams (Alan Wood)
The Boulanger Affair (Peter Kelly)
Professor A Victor Segno: A Note of Explanation (Ed Grabowski)
Le Type Pasteur - the 75 centimes blue (Yvert 177, SG 400) (Bill Mitchell)
"Cluedo" - A Whodunit? from the Siege of Paris (Ashley Lawrence)
90 Years of Red Cross Booklets. Part 4 (John West)
Shorter Items:
 •  When did these wars start? (Alan Wood)
 •  New Hebrides card (John Mayne)
 •  A Ban-Breaking Cover from France to the UK in 1943 (Roy Reader)
 •  Post Offices in Egypt (John Cruttenden)
 •  Cameroun Français 27.8.40 - the "+10c" Trial on the 90c Elephants Stamp (Dudley Cobb)
 •  Bathyscaphe Archimède 1963 (Jouko Moisala)
 •  An Alternative Service UK to France (John Simmons, Maurice Tyler)
Number 269 - September 2013
Journal 269Autumn Stampex 2013: Keynote Display by the Society (description of displays by 22 members)
The 1 Franc Cécogramme Rate (Mick Bister)
Shorter Items:
 •  New Hebrides card in code (Stan Luft, Maurice Tyler)
 •  Joint UK-France Stamps 1940 (Mick Bister)
 •  Missent Mail (Mick Bister)
 •  Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) (Stan Fairchild, Tom Waterman, Philip Mackey)
 •  The Gold Coast-type Cancels of Togo (John Mayne)
 •  1934 Airmail cover from the Gambia with boxed Après le Départ strike (John Mayne)
 •  Unusual Sowers (Ashley Lawrence)
 •  French Occupation of Cilicia: Censor marks and stamp usage with earliest dates seen (Bob Bradford)
  •  •  WWII Mail from France to Indo-China (Mick Bister)
  •  •  Albert Stiefel (David Hogarth)

Number 268 - June 2013

Journal 268Franco-Prussian War (1870-71): The Siege of Paris - Intererrupted Mail (Philip Mackey)
The Gold Coast-type Cancels of Togo, 1916 - to 1950? (Bill Mitchell)
90 Years of Red Cross Booklets. Part 3 (John West)
A Rather Special (Semeuse) Postcard (Ashley Lawrence)
Shorter Items:
French Congo Unknown cds ...DOMBO (Michael Ensor, Paul Watkins, Ed Grabowski, Bill Mitchell)
 •  Ballon Monté - genuine? (The Mrs Simpson Letter) (Mike Brindle, Ashley Lawrence)
 •  Joint UK-France Stamps 1940 (Roy Reader)
 •  Postal Relationships between Belgian Congo and French Congo (John Mayne)



Number 267 - March 2013

Journal 267French Internment Camps: Drancy (Seine) (Derek Richardson)
Legion of French Volunteers (A Cautionary Tale) (Godfrey Bowden)
90 Years of Red Cross Booklets. Part 2 (John West)
Italian Forces in France in World War I, with particular reference to T.A.I.F. (David Trapnell)
Shorter Items:
 •  Syria Overprints (John Mayne, Stan Fairchild)
 •  Airmail Interzone Cards: corrigendum (Roy Reader)
 •  Ballon Monté - genuine? (Don Sherwin)
 •  French Congo Unknown cds ...DOMBO (Paul Watkins)
 •  Joint UK-France Stamps 1940 (Norman Greenbaum, Maurice Tyler)
 •  Interzone Cards to and from Indo-China (Ron Bentley, Roy Reader)


Number 266 - December 2012

Journal266Motorised Transport of Mails across the Sahara, Part 2 (Peter Kelly)
90 Years of Red Cross Booklets, Part 1 (John West)
Alsace-Lorraine: Selected Postal Legacies from the German Occupation of 1871-1918 (Stan Luft)
Postal Relationships between Belgian Congo and French Congo, Part 3 (Philippe Lindekens)
Ivory Coast - Journée Nationale des Cheminots 20-21 Mai 1945 (Bob Maddocks)
Shorter Items:
 •  Airmail Interzone Cards (Roy Reader)
 •  Syria under French Governance (Derek Atkins)
 •  Inaugural Seaplane Flight 1925 (Len Barnes)
 •  French Naval Forces in Borneo and the Far East: the French Light Cruiser Primauguet (Marty Bratzel)
 •  Togo: 'Après le départ' strike on Germman Mail (John Mayne)
 •  TRANSIT MATADI mark on cover from Belgian Congo (Philippe Lindekens)

Number 265 - September 2012

Journal 265Motorised Transport of Mails across the Sahara, Part 1 (Peter Kelly)
Airmails from French India (Jeffrey Brown)
Postal Relationships between Belgian Congo and French Congo, Part 2 (Philippe Lindekens)  
Cameroun 27.8.40 - the Displaced Overprint from Mbanga (1) (Michel Collet)
Cameroun 27.8.40 - the Displaced Overprint from Mbanga (2) (Dudley Cobb)
Shorter Items:
 •  French Naval Forces in the Borneo Area (Jeremy Dickson)
 •  French Post Office in Tunisia - correction and addition (Peter Maybury)
 •  ROC Codes (John Simmons)
 •  British Stamp used in France (John Patch)
 •  German Date Stamp on French Semeuse Issue (Alan Wood)
 •  The 1871-1876 Cérès Issue, Imperforate (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Request for Exchange of Stamps (Daniel Hubert)
 •  Inaugural Seaplane Flight 1925 (Alan Wood)
 •  Red Cross Overprints on 10c Sower (Alan Wood)
 •  Interzone Cards and Postage Due (Barbara Priddy)
 •  Philatelic Cover with Many Postmarked Stamps but No Address (Howard Fisher)
 •  Togo Postcard with British and French Stamps (John Mayne)
 •  Green Leaves [new Ecology tariff] (John Simmons)


Number 264 - June 2012

Journal 264Postal Relationships between Belgian Congo and French Congo, Part 1 (Philippe Lindekens)
Early Transsaharan Mails (Peter Kelly)
The French Post Office in Tunisia (Peter Maybury)
Shorter Items:
 •  Philatex 2012 (photos by Godfrey Bowden)
 •  Rixheim in the 19th Century: Corrections (Stan Luft)
 •  French West Africa - France Combattante: Aide à la Résistance 11.11.1943 (Brian Weeks, Bill Mitchell)
 •  Identification of La Poste Code Number 38770A (Peter Whiting, Maurice Tyler)
 •  Poste Navale Bureaux in West Africa (Barbara Priddy)
 •  Cameroun: 1F75 Forgeries (Dudley Cobb)
 •  Cameroun Français: Femme de Lamido (Dudley Cobb)
 •  French POW Cachet used in Japan? (Peter High)
 •  An Interzone Card Charged Postage Due (Roy Reader)
 •  German 6th Army Feldpost Date Stamp on French Semeuse Camée Issue (Bill Mitchell)
 •  French Cameroun "COURRIER ORDINAIRE / ORDINARY MAIL" Cachet (Bob Maddocks)
 •  Marianne et l'Europe (4th Series) (John Simmons)
 •  French Naval Forces in the Borneo Area (Jeremy Dickson)

Number 263 - March 2012

Journal 263The "Défense de la France" Forgery of the 1F50 Pétain (Reflections and Revelations (Mick Bister)
French West Africa - France Combattante: Aide à la Résistance 11.11.1943 (Bob Maddocks)
Rixheim in the 19th Century (Stan Luft)
Some Handstamps Applied to Mail between the Channel Islands and France 1773-1843 (Richard Flemming)
The 1 Franc Cérès de Mazelin of 1945 - A 1952 Maritime Mail Puzzle Cover (Bill Mitchell)
Shorter Items:
 •  German Feldpost Date Stamps on French Blanc Issues (Stephen Roche, Maurice Tyler)
 •  Soudan - Two Mysteries (Peter Kelly)
 •  Napoleon Poster Stamps (Harris Rosenberg)
 •  Rates from France to the Saar in 1952 (John Dickson)
 •  Business Continuity (David Herendeen)

Number 262 - December 2011

Journal 262French Naval Posts in North and West Africa in WWII - the use of Algerian stamps and an unnoticed airmail fee (Bill Mitchell)
Proofs of Algerian Stamps 1936-1940 (Gilbert Smith)
Mail carried by estafette between France and England (1829-1836) (André Métayer)
Cameroons Expeditionary Force 1914-16: Two further covers from Capt F L N Giles (Bob Maddocks)
Shorter Items:
 •  1869 5F Louis Napoleon in Red (Philip Mackey)
 •  Dahomey - A Bogus 1915 Red Cross Overprint "Error" (Bill Mitchell)
 •  1940 French Red Cross Stamps: item sought (John West)
 •  Napoleon Poster Stamps (Roger Finlay)
 •  Morocco 1942 Postage Due with Triangular Label (John Smith)
 •  Croix Rouge Française - Delegation Bayreuth (David Hogarth)
 •  Recently Deceased Members - Comments (Colin Spong, Paul Watkins)

Number 261 - September 2011

Journal 261France: North African Expansionism 1881-1914 - An Overview (Peter Maybury)
A "Recommandé d'office" carried by the Paris-Turin relay (Luca Lavagnino)
Chad: The Use of the Stamps of the Sudan at Adré in 1925 (John Yeomans)
The Free French Cameroun Definitive Overprints of 27.8.40 (Bob Maddocks)
Cameroun Français 27.8.40 - More on Trial B (Dudley Cobb)
Shorter Items:
Paris Star 4 (Stan Luft)
 •  1869 5F Louis Napoleon in Red (Harris Rosenberg)
 •  20F + 20F France-Canada Rate - Erratum (Mick Bister)
 •  Smallest and Largest Stamps of France (John West)
 •  Thomas Cook Civilian Undercover Mail (Mick Bister, Bob Maddocks, Ingrid Swinburn)
 •  Kamerun Border Commission Vignettes (John Mayne)
 •  Thomas Cook Civilian Undercover Mail (Ed Fraser)
 •  Telegraph Office and Post Office Date Stamps on the same Card (John Woodcock)
 •  Soudan: Two Mysteries (Michael Ensor)
 •  Vimy Ridge First Day Cover (Don Hedger)
 •  Yet Another Forged Duala Kamerun Postmark (Marty Bratzel)
 •  A Philatelic Confection (Mick Bister)
 •  Madagascar Related: French POW Camps in Kenya (Colin Spong) Tahiti Overprint (John Mayne)

Number 260 - June 2011

Journal 260The Status of the French Post Office in Beirut after 1 October 1914 (Semaan Bassil)
La Belle France Vignettes (Godfrey Bowden, ill. John Mayne)
Use of the Low Value Green Stamps of the Type Sage Issue of France 1876-1878 (Peter Kelly)
La Poste Senegal Meter Stamps (Marc Parren)
Shorter Items:
 •  Nice Day of the Stamp Souvenir Card (Len Rowe)
 •  Réunion CFA Postal Rates (John Dickson, Derek Richardson)
 •  New Machine Marks (Maurice Tyler)
 •  Paris Star 4 (Stephen Holder, Chris Hitchen, Jean Kubler)
 •  Togo: Recent Discoveries (John Mayne)
 •  Morocco: Surcharges à Cheval (Bob Deakin)
 •  Thomas Cook Civilian Undercover Mail (Ed Fraser)
 •  20F + 20F France-Canada Rate (Mick Bister)
 •  Vimy Ridge First Day Cover (Mick Bister)
 •  Sage Fakes / Facsimiles (Godfrey Bowden)
 •  WWI Military Abbreviations (Peter Maybury)

Number 259 - March 2011

Canada-France Concessionary Rate Established in 1929 (Mike Street)
The 1936 'Vimy Ridge' Issue (Mick Bister)
French Colonies and the Luxembourg/Canada Concessions of 1928-1929 (Bill Mitchell)
A French / Thai Postcard (John Garner)
Shorter Items:
 •  Varieties of Senegal 1915-18 Red Cross Issues (John West, Jim Moffat)
 •  Orphelins de l'Incursion (John Mayne, Maurice Tyler)
 •  New Machine Marks (Peter Maybury)
 •  German Taxe Marks on Togo and Kamerun/Cameroun Mail (Marty Bratzel)
 •  Hong Kong / Saigon Postmark (Alain Millet, Bill Mitchell, Peter Maybury, Ed Grabowski, Claire Scott)
 •  Missent Letter (John Simmons)
 •  More Gremlin Activity in Cameroon Philately: Cameroon Airlines et al (Bob Maddocks)
 •  Cover Malta to Marseille with COLONIES PAR / MARSEILLE Handstamp (Alfred Bonnici, Peter Maybury)
 •  Train-borne Machine Canceller (Héloise Mitchell)
 •  First French Par Avion Airmail Label (Paul Watkins)
 •  Nice Day of the Stamp Regiostered Souvenir Card (Bob Larg
 •  Help Needed: Paris Star 4 (Stan Luft)
 •  Red Cross Tracing Label marked "o.O" (John West)
 •  Poste Militaire No 560 (Bill Mitchell)

Number 258 - December 2010

Five centimes Sage stamps of Types IIA and IIB (Derek Richardson & Godfrey Bowden)
A World War I Card from a Thai Pilot in France (John Garner)
La Poste Navale - Some Notes on French Naval Posts in the Two World Wars (Bill Mitchell)
More Gremlin Activity in Cameroon Philately: Cameroon Airlines et al (Bob Maddocks)
Boyer Enlarged (David Jennings-Bramly)
Shorter Items:
 •  Charlecote Park (Judith & Stephen Holder)
 •  Poste Militaire No. 560 (David Taylor Smith)
 •  Landing Site of a Ballon Monté (Peter Whiting)
 •  The 1F50 Pétain + 50 S N Overprint - Addendum (Mick Bister)
 •  Train-borne Machine Canceller (Michael Ensor)
 •  Posted Early for Christmas - or a Premature Item for Noël (John Simmons)
 •  Varieties of Senegal 1915-18 Red Cross Issues (Bruno Mattei)
 •  New Cancellations by La Poste (Peter Maybury)
 •  Books Recommended by Members (Bernard Sharp, Colin Spong)
 •  French Registration and Insurance (Peter Kelly & Chris Hitchen)
 •  The New Hebrides Booklet (Alan Wood)

Number 257 - September 2010

French Registered and Insured Mail (Alan Wood)
The 1F50 Pétain + 50 S N Overprint (Y&T 552): Part 3 (Mick Bister)
Titanic Covers that Missed the Boat? (David Jennings-Bramly)
Shorter Items:
 •  Mail sent from France to Switzerland 1828-45: A request for information (Steve Ellis)
 •  Pneumatic and Horoplan Cancels (Héloise Mitchell)
 •  Poste Militaire No. 560 (John Mayne)
 •  New French Sorting Offices (Maurice Tyler, John Simmons)
 •  La Poste makes the most of the World Cup!(John Simmons)
 •  Titanic Covers that Missed the Boat? (Bob Paterson)
 •  Censored Cover from French Occupied Togo to Germany via Switzerland (John Mayne)
 •  Varieties of Senegal 1915-18 Red Cross Issues (John Mayne)
 •  German Reply Card Overprinted for French Use in Togo 1914-1915: Lost item (John Mayne)
 •  A Couple of Corrections: Milliard de la Libération and Bureau Naval 53 (Bill Mitchell)
 •  New Salon du Timbre Sheets (Richard Broadhurst)

Number 256 - June 2010

The 1F50 Pétain + 50 S N Overprint (Y&T 552): Part 2 (Mick Bister)
Scarce as Hens' Teeth - the Booklet Stamps of French Cameroun (Marty Bratzel)
Titanic Covers that Missed the Boat? (David Jennings-Bramly)
Shorter Items:
 •  Bureau Naval 53 (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Cameroun to Gabon 1916 (Jeremy Martin)
 •  Obsolete Values on French UNESCO Stamps (Michael Meadowcroft)
 •  Free French Overprints on Colonial Stamps (Bob Wood, David Taylor Smith)
 •  Anglo-French Occupation of Togo 1914-1915: German Reply Card Overprinted for French Use (John Mayne)
 •  New Cancellations by La Poste (Peter Maybury, Héloise Mitchell, John Simmons)
 •  A "Solidarité Haïti" Marianne (John Simmons)
 •  French POW in Kenya (Colin Spong)


Number 255 - March 2010

Journal 255The 1 July 1854 Basic Letter Rate (André Métayer, trs Mick Bister)
Dahomey International Communications at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries: a supplement (Bill Mitchell)
New Cancellations by La Poste (Maurice Tyler)
Boyer the Society Parfumeur (David Jennings-Bramly)
The 1F50 Pétain + 50 S N Overprint (Y&T 552): Part 1 (Mick Bister
The Alpha and Omega of Field Service Correspondence from the Cameroons Campaign 1914-1916 (Bob Maddocks)
French Guiana (Tony Shepherd)
Shorter Items:
 •  Defaced Stamps (Peter Whiting)
 •  Free French Overprints on Colonial Stamps (Brian Weeks)
 •  Postes, Prost and Pétain (David Lamb)
 •  Obsolete Values on French UNESCO Stamps (John Mayne)
 •  Interesting St Helena Items (Bob Deakin)
 •  Marianne Solidarité Haïti Issue (Mick Bister)
 •  Cameroun Post Offices: Bda Up Station (Bob Maddocks)
 •  World War II - Northbound Airmails by the British air route (Rob May)
 •  Bureau Naval 53 (Colin Spong)

Number 254 - December 2009

Journal254Thai Pilots in France in WWII (John Garner)
Cameroun 2005 Provisional Year Slugs (Marc Parren)
Yvert 137 as a Postage Due in 1917 (David Jennings-Bramly)
General Leclerc in Cameroun and Tchad 1940-42 (Bob Maddocks)
French Colonies in World War II - What was the Milliard de la Libération? (Bill Mitchell)
Shorter Items:
 •  Strange Use of 3154 Handstamp of Rixholm (Haut-Rhin) (Bryan Wood)
 •  Union des Fabricants Label (Godfrey Bowden, Maurice Tyler)
 •  The SS Donai between Bangkok and Saigon (John Garner)
 •  WWII Cover Algeria to Gambia and Bureau Naval 53 (Stewart Duncan, Rob May, Maurice Tyler, Barbara Priddy)
 •  German Stationery Used in Occupied Cameroun and Togo (John Mayne)
 •  Dahomey Issues Used in Togo 1914-1922 (John Mayne)
 •  2F20 Liberté de Gandon Type IB (James Camak)

Number 253 - September 2009 - 60th Anniversary Edition

Journal253Reminiscences of the Early Days (George Barker, Mick Bister, Chris Easton, Ray Hill, Harold Hilton, John Mayne, Bill Mitchell, Heloise Mitchell) 23 Years Ago [photos at Society competition evening]
The Development of the Services of the Postes et Télégraphes in Sénégambie-Niger 1900-1903 (Peter Kelly)
A Few Months after the Abolition of Slavery, a Letter from St Lucia to France (Robert Abensur, trs Peter Kelly)
An unusual articles d'argent letter of 1779 (Peter Maybury)
From Senegal to the Mexican Expedition of 1863... Looking for Naval Surgeon Moinet (Michèle Chauvet, trs Peter Kelly) Postes, Prost and Pétain (Mick Bister)
Vacillations of a Minister [new 10c Sower 1906](André Métayer, trs Mick Bister)
So Who Was Mr Kidder? [Siege of Paris correspondence] (Ashley Lawrence)
Martinique: The 'Ordonnance' (Order) of 24 April - 14 May 1835 (Guy Dutau, trs Peter Kelly)
Shorter Items:
 •  Airmails of the French Congo (Bob Picirilli)
 •  Identification of Classic Stamps (Ken Dixon)
 •  Defaced Stamps (Mike Roberts, Maurice Tyler)
 •  WWII Cover from Vichy France to Greenland (Wilbur Jonsson)
 •  SÉNÉGAL Diagonal Overprint of 1884 (Bruno Mattei)
 •  1924 Paris Olympics Labels (Godfrey Bowden)
 •  New Philatelic Website [for Alsace-Lorraine] (Roy Reader)
 •  WWII Airmail Rates from French Equatorial Africa (Bob Picirilli)

Number 252 - June 2009

Journal252French Postal Rates of 2 March 2009 (Derek Richardson)
A "QSL" Card from Cameroun Radio Ham FQ-PM (Bob Maddocks)
Cameroun - Envelope Recycling in World War II (Bill Mitchell)
Airmails of the French Congo (John Hammonds)
Shorter Items:
 •  Après le Départ Mark (John Mayne)
 •  Paris Olympics 1924 (John Mayne)
 •  Booklet Publicity Tabs (John Simmons)
 •  Moroccan War Issue 1943 (Bob Deakin)
 •  Early Airmails from France (John Garner)
 •  Chandernagor to Namur (David Jennings-Bramly)
 •  World War II Letters from Paris (Patrick Hills)
 •  Cameroun to Gabon 1916 (Jeremy Martin)
 •  German Taxe Mark used in Cameroun 1955 (John Mayne)

Number 251 - March 2009

Journal251AR (Avis de Réception) in the Early 20th Century (Bill Mitchell)
Early Airmails from France (John Garner)
Early Usage of French Postage Due Stamps in the French Sphere of Occupied Kamerun (Bob Maddocks)
An Automatic Machine for the Registration of Letters in 1909 (Chris Hitchen)
Modern Post Offices in Cameroon (Marc Parren)
Shorter Items:
 •  Booklet Publicity Tabs (Michael Meadowcroft, Bob Heasman, John Allison, Richard Broadhurst, John Lucaci, Mick Bister)
 •  30c Rose Sower with Fake ALGÉRIE Overprint (Jean-Jacques Sastres, trs Maurice Tyler, rptd Peter Maybury)
 •  Problem Solved - French India to Belgium (Ron Wood)
 •  Postal Aberrations (Roy Reader)
 •  WWII Airmail Rates from French Equatorial Africa (Michael Barden)
 •  Fiscal Stamps used for Postage (Johan Delbeke)
 •  Cameroun Sterling Stamp Appeal (Marty Bratzel)
 •  When is a Stamp not a Stamp? (John Simmons)
 •  Two Bogus Tunisian Stamps (Johan Delbeke)

Number 250 - December 2008

Journal250Tracing Service Reply Labels (John West)
Airmail Routes and Rates from Cameroun to the UK during World War II (Marty Bratzel & Bob Picirilli)
Postage Stamps of the French National Liberation Committee, Algiers, in WWII (Bill Mitchell)
Shorter Items:
 •  Booklet Publicity Tabs (John Mayne)
 •  SS Normandie Machine Cancel (Richard Small)
 •  WWII Airmail Stamps from French Equatorial Africa (Michael Barden)
 •  Encore le Franc ! [stamps in francs on recent mail] (Jim Moffatt)
 •  Comment on FM Letter from Far East to Occupied Germany (Roy Reader)
 •  Unusual Cachet on Morocco Registered Airmail Cover (David Taylor Smith)
 •  New Caledonia Postage Stamps of the FNLC, Algiers, in WWII (Bob Maddocks)

Number 249 - September 2008

Journal249The Postal Complexities of 1947 (André Métayer, trs Mick Bister)
Togo 1914-1922 - Postal Stationery (John Mayne)
Shorter Items:
 •  Postage Stamps of the French National Liberation Committee, Algiers, in WWII (John Mayne)
 •  French Somali Coast Cover (David Hogarth, Maurice Tyler)
 •  French Tourist Vignettes (Alan Wood)
 •  German Taxe Marks on Togo and Kamerun/Cameroun Mail (Bob Maddocks)



Number 248 - June 2008

Journal248Mauritania and those Taxe marks (Stephen Holder)
Postal Rate Changes of 1st March 2008 (Derek Richardson)
French Transatlantic Mail 1800-1857 (Steve Ellis)
Dahomey Internal Communications at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries (Bill Mitchell) 
Shorter Items:
 •  German Taxe Marks on Togo and Cameroon Mail (John Mayne, Marty Bratzel)
 •  An Unknown Overprint on the 2F Merson? (Geoff Gethin)
 •  Mauritania Postage Dues of 1906 (Ed Grabowski)
 •  An Odd Meter Franking - a possible explanation (John Simmons)
 •  Military Franchise Letter from Far East to Occupied Germany (John Garner, Maurice Tyler)
 •  Togo - the 1921 Issue (John Mayne)
 •  Censor Marks from WWI (Johan Delbeke)
 •  Postage Stamps of the French National Liberation Committee, Algiers, in WWII (Colin Spong)
 •  Marianne de Gandon 'à la bretelle' Variety (Michael Meadowcroft, Jean-François Brun)

Number 247 - March 2008

News from Paris: The New Marianne de Beaujard; Exprès Covers (John Simmons)
Yvert Levant No. 26 cancelled DIRRE-DAOUA (David Jennings-Bramly)
World War II - Just Another Sad Story (Bill Mitchell)
An Unknown Tariff - Correspondence between Tahiti and France Oct. 1867 - Apr. 1875 (Michèle Chauvet, trs Maurice Tyler)
Cameroun - Meteorological Manifestations, Publicity Cachets, and de Laurence Notations (Marty Bratzel)
Where There's a Will (Mike Roberts)
Shorter Items:
 •  Mauritania Postage Dues of 1906 (John Mayne)
 •  French Morocco Cover with Swiss Postage Due and Boxed 'T' Mark (John Mayne)
 •  Jean-Baptiste Say (John Garner, Maurice Tyler)
 •  "T.O.M.O." on 1921 Morocco Cover (Alan Wood, Bob Deakin, David Taylor Smith)
 •  A Fantasised Cameroun Française Canceller Used on Madagascar Stamps (Bob Maddocks)
 •  Forged 1925 International Philatelic Exhibition Sheetlet (Ralph Barracano)
 •  Much Travelled Mail - Italy to Ivory Coast (Peter Kelly, Bill Mitchell)
 •  Postman Cheval's Ideal Palace (Godfrey Bowden, Maurice Tyler)

Number 246 - December 2007

Cameroun Taxe Marks (Marty Bratzel)
'Detained in France during German Occupation' - an Update (Roy Reader)
Boules de Moulins (Ashley Lawrence)
Printed Envelopes with Directional Markings from Saigon (Ian McQueen)
Shorter Items:
 •  Demonetised Madagascar Red Cross Stamp (John West)
 •  French Guinea Post Offices (Bill Mitchell & Laurence Lambert)
 •  French Congo Pigeon Post (John Yeomans)
 •  A Likely Story! of a PRIORity Cover (John Simmons)
 •  French West Africa - the 1940 Airmail Stamps (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Forged 1925 International Philatelic Exhibition Sheetlet (Geoff Gethin, Ralph Barracano, George Barker)
 •  More on the Dallay Europe/Asia Catalogue and the Perf 11 Pictorials (Michael Round)
 •  "T.O.M.O." on 1921 Morocco Cover (John Smith)
 •  Hexagonal Censorship Mark in French Occupied Zone of Germany (Charles Karsten)
 •  Comoro Islands Display (Ralph Barracano)

Number 245 - September 2007

French Internment Camps (continued): Chapter 17 - Camp de Choisel - Châteaubriant (Derek Richardson)
Cécogrammes (Mick Bister, with Franz-Karl Lindner)
Shorter Items:
 •  An Unusual Senegal Item (John Mayne)
 •  Much Travelled Mail - Italy to Ivory Coast (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Pierre and Marie Curie Stamp of 1938 (Ronald Hill, Maurice Tyler)
 •  Jeu de Barres (Maurice Tyler)
 •  Forged 1925 International Philatelic Exhibition Sheetlet (Bob Paterson)
 •  Marianne de Gandon 'à la bretelle' Variety (John Dickson, Michael Meadowcroft)
 •  Togo Cancellations (John Mayne)
 •  World War I Initials on POW Mail (John West, Maurice Tyler)
 •  Composition of la France d'Outre-mer (Bill Mitchell)
 •  The Ecological Counter Booklet (continued) (John Simmons)
 •  French Guinea Post Offices (Peter Kelly, Michael Round)
 •  Comoro Islands Display (Michael Round)
 •  The Algerian Centenary Album of 1930 (Iain Stevenson)

Number 244 - June 2007

The Postage Stamps of the French National Liberation Committee, Algiers, in WWII (Bob Maddocks)
The Post Offices of French West Africa, Part 4 - French Guinea (conclusion) (Bill Mitchell & Laurence Lambert)
French Airline Network 1928 - extract from booklet (Robert Johnson)
Shorter Items:
 •  Anglo-French Occupation of Togo (John Mayne)
 •  British Porte-Timbres (André Métayer, trs Maurice Tyler)
 •  Taxed Tunisian Postcard (Godfrey Bowden)
 •  French Training Camps in Kenya (Colin Spong)
 •  Red Star Mark on 35c Sage Stamp (Godfrey Bowden)
 •  French Sudan 1940 Airmail Stamps (Richard Wheatley)
 •  Marianne de Gandon 'à la bretelle' Variety (Godfrey Bowden)
 •  Cécogrammes in Cameroun (Marc Parren)
 •  A Philatelic Poem (Bob Maddocks)
 •  Jeu de Barres (John Simmons)
 •  Definition of 'figurines' (Maurice Tyler)
 •  Benin - Postal Use of Military Telegraph Date Stamps (Peter Kelly)
 •  The Ecological Counter Booklet (John Simmons)
 •  A Postcard from the Belgian Congo via French Congo and the Sudan to France (Peter Kelly)
 •  Unusual Tunisian Cancellation (David Taylor Smith)

Number 243 - March 2007

The Post Offices of French West Africa, Part 4 - French Guinea (Bill Mitchell & Laurence Lambert)
Mail Order Manifestations (Bob Maddocks)
The Early Posts from Polynesia - Tales of Missionaries, Cannibals and a Patron of Gauguin! (Hilton Israelson)
Tariffs and Postal Regulations: Cochin-China Colonial Post, Saigon Office, with Erratum
Shorter Items:
 •  V in Circle on Indian Cover to Indo-China (David Taylor Smith)
 •  1905 Official Indo-China Cover (David Taylor Smith)
 •  Forged Cameroun Français Overprints (Dudley Cobb)
 •  Re-use of the Boxed Registration Handstamp (Colin Spong, Jack Blanc)
 •  Much Travelled Mail - Italy to Ivory Coast (John Mayne)
 •  Cameroun Taxe Marks (John Mayne)
 •  Printed Envelopes from Saigon (Ian McQueen)
 •  French Boycott: 1973 Courier Mail (Roger Allen)
 •  The French Franc Lives! (Geoff Gethin)
 •  The First Interzone Cards (Roy Reader)
 •  Forces Françaises Libération Training Camp Kenya (Colin Spong)
 •  ESPAÑA 2006 - Malaga 7-13 October 2006 (Lesley Marley)
 •  Jeu de Barres (Peter Kelly)
 •  French Indian Postal Stationery Query (David Taylor Smith)
 •  Dahomey - An Unrecorded Cotonou Cancel (Bill Mitchell)
 •  1925 Paris Exhibition Labels Overprinted for Strasbourg 1927 (Geoff Gethin)
 •  Censorship of WWII Covers from Senegal to Morocco (Barbara Priddy)
 •  French Stamp Issuing Policy (John Simmons)
 •  Phil@poste (Maurice Tyler)
 •  Victory of Samothrace (Peter Baker)

Number 242 - December 2006

Stamps meeting the Basic Internal Letter (LSI) rate 1849-1949 (Godfrey Bowden)
Senegal - the 1902 "Letter in Circle" Cachets: A New Explanation (Bill Mitchell)
Benin - Postal Use of Military Telegraph Date Stamps (Bill Mitchell)
The Penalty Taxes of 1910 and 1920 - Part 2 (André Métayer)
Postal Rate Changes of 1 October 2006 (Derek Richardson)
Shorter Items:
 •  Regions ... and More Regions (Michael Meadowcroft)
 •  Indo-China / Thailand Auction Results (Mike Roberts)
 •  Togo - the STATION PALIME Cancel (John Mayne)
 •  Belgian Postcard Query (David Plant)
 •  Après le Départ Marks used Overseas (John Mayne)
 •  An Odd Meter Franking (Richard Wheatley)
 •  Artwork for 1971 Laos Issues (David Taylor Smith, Maurice Tyler)

Number 241 - September 2006

A Postcard from the Belgian Congo and the Sudan to France (Robert Johnson & Richard Stock)
The Penalty Taxes of 1910 and 1920 - Part 1 (André Métayer)
French Airline Network 1928 (Robert Johnson)
SS Normandie (Ashley Lawrence)
Shorter Items:
 •  Dallay Colonial Catalogues (Colin Spong)
 •  Picture Postcard - "La barre prisonnière" (Bob Larg, Maurice Tyler)
 •  Togo Taxe Marks (John Mayne)
 •  Dahomey Cancels (John Mayne, Bill Mitchell)
 •  French India Cover (Ron Wood)
 •  Puzzling Lautier Type A1 Postmark Date and Zero Levée (Godfrey Bowden)
 •  Charity Label Paying Postage (Bob Paterson)

Number 240 - June 2006

French POW Camps in Kenya (Colin Spong)
Senegal - Another WWII Red Cross Postcard, and some Early Direct Airmail to the USA (Bill Mitchell)
The 3F Cathedral of Reims Stamp (David Jennings-Bramly)
A Philatelic Postcard (John Simmons)
Postal Sector 390 (Roy Reader)
Tariffs and Postal Regulations: Cochin-China Colonial Post - Saigon Office (Martial Boyer)
Shorter Items:
 •  Bora Bora Post Office (John Ray, Hilton Israelson)
 •  A Two Booklet Tale (John Simmons)
 •  Service Suspended Label on Cover to Vietnam (Robert Johnson)
 •  A Generous Dutchman? (Michael Round)
 •  Caisse d'Amortissement Issues of 1927-31 (Richard Broadhurst)
 •  French Post Office Regions 1933 (Robert Johnson)
 •  Re-use of the Boxed Registration Handstamp (Colin Spong)
 •  Artwork for 1971 Laos Issues (Mick Bister)

Number 239 - March 2006

Guadeloupe Airmails (Tony Shepherd)
Cécogrammes (Mick Bister)
French POs in China - 1903 Provisional Dues (John Barefoot)
Modern Post Offices in Mali and in French Polynesia (Bob Maddocks)
Mauritania - the Bogus "KRONFA" Cancel: A New Discovery (Bill Mitchell)
Carry on Searching (David Jennings-Bramly)
Shorter Items:
 •  French Postal Practice in a Former Colony - Chad (Jim Moffat)
 •  Bibliography of Philatelic Literature of French Colonies (Peter Kelly)
 •  The Dead Letter Office (Alan Wood)
 •  Islands On the Air (Bill Mitchell, Maurice Tyler)
 •  French PO in Shanghai (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Airmail Cancel of Saigon (David Taylor Smith, Ron Bentley)
 •  Après le Départ Marks used Overseas (John Yeomans)
 •  Île de France Catapult Mail (Paul Zatulove)
 •  British Cameroon Stamps (Rob May)
 •  The World's First Airmail Postcards (Alan Wood)
 •  Togo 1921 "Mandate" Issue - Update of Earliest Recorded Dates (John Mayne)

Number 238 - December 2005

Obituary of Bernard Berkinshaw-Smith (Chris Hitchen and Peter Kelly)
World's First Airmail Postcards (Ernst Cohn)
The 50c Jeanne d'Arc Stamp, Part II: An 1892 Precursor (Mick Bister with Jean-Paul Fournier)
The Treatment of Insufficiently Paid Letters between Member Countries of the GPU and UPU 1875-1879 (Robert Abensur and Peter Kelly)
The Story of a Soul (Stephen Toynbee)
One of the Islands On the Air (Richard Wheatley)
A Tax Anomaly (Derek Richardson)
The 'ANDORRE' overprints (Mick Bister)
Shorter Items:
 •  Vapeur Mail Service in Senegal (John Mayne)
 •  Togo 1922 Issues (John Mayne)
 •  Jacobin Calendar (Anthony Milford Ward)
 •  An Air Cancel Handstamp of Saigon? (Ian McQueen)
 •  Rates: France to Jersey 1936/7 (Derek Richardson)
 •  Bibliography of Philatelic Literature (Colin Spong)
 •  Algeria Victory Issue of 1943 (Geoff Gethin)
 •  Middle Congo Paquebot Cancel (Robert Johnson)
 •  Re-use of the Boxed Registration Handstamp (Robert Johnson, Colin Spong)
 •  French PO in Shanghai (Malcolm Givans)
 •  Unrecorded Middle Congo Date Stamp (Robert Johnson)

Number 237 - September 2005

Obituary of Alan McKanna (Peter Kelly)
The 50c Jeanne d'Arc Stamp, Part I: The Marcel Marron Archive (Mick Bister)
Middle Congo - an Unrecorded Paquebot Cancel: Your Help, Please! (Bill Mitchell)
Too Many Commemorative Stamps in France? (Michael Round)
Re-use of the Boxed Registration Handstamp (Colin Spong)
Shorter Items:
 •  Mail from French Forces in Dahomey (John Mayne)
 •  Togo 1921 Issue (John Mayne)
 •  Algeria Victory Issue of 1943 (John Mayne)
 •  Star Perfin on 1F50 Pétain (Mick Bister)
 •  Alsace Visiting Cards (Roy Reader, John Lucaci, Erik Menne Larsen)
 •  Some Thoughts on the Future of Philately and Stamp Collecting (Mike James)
 •  French India Date Stamp Problem (Ron Wood)
 •  Use of the Handstruck "3" (Peter Maybury)
 •  Morocco Protectorate Survivals of Poste Aérienne Cachet (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Rates: France to Jersey 1936/7 (Philip Mackey)
 •  Benin - Lagos Mail Service (John Mayne)

Number 236 - June 2005

Albert Stiefel - a Name from History (David Hogarth)
Mail between France and La Réunion 1864-1900 - the Lignes "T", "V" and "U" of the Messageries Maritimes (Peter Kelly)
The Mauritania Post Office in Saint-Louis (Senegal) (Bill Mitchell and Laurence Lambert)
British Censorship Control of Communications during WWII - Belgian Congo, French Equatorial Africa and French Cameroon (Bob Maddocks)
France - Locally Made 2 Décimes Handstamps (Peter Maybury)
Obituary of Walter Parshall (Colin Spong)
The Vaguemestre (Roy Reader)
Shorter Items:
 •  Après le Départ Marks used Overseas (Colin Spong)
 •  French India Problem Cover (Ron Wood)
 •  Star Perfin on 1F50 Pétain (Godfrey Bowden)
 •  Use of the Handstruck "3" 1876 to 1 May 1878 - Corrigendum (Peter Kelly)
 •  French India Reply Card (David Taylor Smith)
 •  Morocco Protectorate Survivals of Poste Aérienne Cachet (Jim Moffat)
 •  Alsace Visiting Cards (Mick Bister)

Number 235 - March 2005

Obituary of Ernst Cohn (Stephen Holder)
Airmail Letter Rates from French Equatorial Africa to France 1930-45 (Bob Picirilli)
Use of the Handstruck "3" during the First Period of the Type Sage Issue 1876 to 1 May 1878 (Peter Kelly)
The 1 Franc Cécogramme Rate or A la Recherche du Tarif Perdu (Mick Bister)
France - The Red Cross, Part 3 (John West)
Essential Philatelic Literature (Mick Bister, Peter Maybury, Bill Mitchell, Alan Wood)
The National Archives (Colin Spong)
Shorter Items:
 •  Après le Départ Marks used Overseas (Robert Johnson, John Mayne, Colin Spong, John Yeomens)
 •  A Register of the 1920 Bisects of Dahomey (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Togo: The 1921 "Mandate" Issue - More Earliest Recorded Dates (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Togo in World War I - The French Occupation Issues (Earliest Dates of Use) (Jeremy Martin and Bill Mitchell)
 •  French India - A Problem Cover (John Yeomens)
 •  Benin - Lagos Vapeur Service (John Mayne)

Number 234 - December 2004

France - The Red Cross, Part 2 (John West)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 88 (Ernst Cohn)
An Introduction to French Machine Cancellations (Iain Stevenson)
Senegal - The 1915 Red Cross Stamp, Commercially Used! (Bill Mitchell)
Postal Sector 390 (Roy Reader)
Postal History Projects and Proposals (Marty Bratzel)
Shorter Items:
 •  B. de V. (Robert Johnson)
 •  A 10c Blanc Mystery (David Jennings-Bramly)
 •  AV Labels (Ian McQueen)
 •  1908 Paris Markings (Ruth Wilcock)
 •  French Internet Site (Derek Richardson)
 •  Paris Parcel Post (Alan Wood)

Number 233 - September 2004

Visiting Cards - a brief history of rates, regulations and postal stationery Part 2 (Mick Bister)
Porte-Timbres Vignettes (Ashley Lawrence)
The Money-Stamps of France (Ashley Lawrence)
The Post Offices of French West Africa: Part 3 - Mauritania (conclusion) (Bill Mitchell and Laurence Lambert)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 86 (Ernst Cohn)
France - The Red Cross, Part 1 (John West)
Shorter Items:
 •  Avis de Réception in the Former French Colonies (David Taylor Smith)
 •  A Recent Find (David Jennings-Bramly)
 •  A Treble Abus de Confiance (David Jennings-Bramly)
 •  Benin Mail Collected by German Mail Boat (John Mayne)
 •  New £5 Coin (David Jennings-Bramly)

Number 232 - June 2004

The Post Offices of French West Africa: Part 3 - Mauritania (introduction) (Bill Mitchell and Laurence Lambert)
The One Centime Picture Postcard Rate (Derek Richardson)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 84 (Ernst Cohn)
Postcards from Dieppe (Peter Hartland-Swann)
Visiting Cards - a brief history of rates, regulations and postal stationery Part 1 (Mick Bister)
Some Early Machine Cancels - 6 (Bill Mitchell)
Shorter Items:
 •  Indo-China First Flight Covers (David Taylor Smith)
 •  Tientsin C.P.O. (Dennis Collins)
 •  Czechs in the French Foreign Legion (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Unlisted Ivory Coast Stamps (Peter Upson)
 •  De Gaulle in Britain (Robert Johnson)
 •  Red Cross Postcard from the Ivory Coast (John West)
 •  Military Initials in Indo-China (Maurice Tyler)
 •  A Successful Fraud on the Postes (David Jennings-Bramly)
 •  Madagascar: Taxe Perçue Handstamps 1944-46 (Ian McQueen)
 •  Œuvre du Pain (Maurice Tyler)
 •  Vie et Santé (Mick Bister)
 •  Île de France Catapult Mail (John Lea)

Number 231 - March 2004

Congo (Brazzaville) - the 'Woman and Child' Definitives of 1996-8 (Michael Round)
Congo Français Provisionals (Robert Johnson)
Some Early Machine Cancels - 5 (Bill Mitchell)
The Siege of Agadez in 1916 - a By-Product of World War I in the Colony of Niger (Peter Kelly)
Postal Sector 390 (Roy Reader)
World War II French Naval Post - More on the Bàtiment de Ligne "Richelieu" (Bill Mitchell)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 82 (Ernst Cohn)
Shorter Items:
 •  Italian Postal Stationery adapted for use in POW Camps in Kenya (Georges Barot)
 •  Œuvre du Pain (Maurice Tyler)
 •  Togo Overprints - the 1921 issue again! (John Mayne)
 •  De Gaulle in Britain (David Hogarth)
 •  Après le Départ Marks used Overseas (John Mayne, John Sacher, Robert Johnson, Chris Palmer)
 •  Monaco/Munich (Maurice Tyler)
 •  Île de France Catapult Mail September 1928 and August 1929 (David Hogarth)
 •  Benin - the Early Years (John Sacher)
 •  Czechs in the French Foreign Legion (Brian Day)
 •  Military Initials in Indochina (David Taylor Smith)

Number 230 - December 2003

Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 80 (Ernst Cohn)
An American Kindness ...... A Tale from the Siege of Paris 1870-71 (Ashley Lawrence)
Diverted Mail 1870-71, Parts 1 and 2 (Raymond Pittier tr Maurice Tyler)
Some Early Machine Cancels - 4 (Bill Mitchell)
Après le Départ Marks used Overseas (Colin Spong)
French West Africa: Benin - the Early Years (Colin Spong)
Shorter Items:
 •  The Bernardin de St Pierre (Peter Denning, Richard Wheatley)
 •  The Treatment of Copies as Printed Matter during the Type Sage Period (Peter Kelly)
 •  Fournier's Facsimiles (Alan Wood)
 •  Postcards in the Series "Nos Départements" (Edwin Rideout)
 •  Czechs in the French Foreign Legion (Bill Mitchell)
 •  WWII Gabon Cover with Croix de Lorraine (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Propaganda Card (Peter Maybury)
 •  Postal Rates Calculator (Robert Johnson)
 •  A French cds from Shanghai (Ian McQueen)

Number 229 - September 2003

France: the Tariff of 1676 (Peter Maybury)
Le Photoposte (Jean-Luc Trassaert tr Mick Bister)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 78 (Ernst Cohn)
Some Early Machine Cancels - 3 (Bill Mitchell)
The Incredible Journey of a 5c Sage Printed Matter Envelope - a Challenge and a Reward (Peter Kelly)
Stations Météorologiques Françaises - Tromelin Island (Colin Spong)
Fournier's Facsimiles: Supplement (Alan Wood)
Shorter Items:
 •  POW Camp in Kenya (Georges Barot)
 •  WWII Gabon Cover with Croix de Lorraine (Georges Barot)
 •  Prize Court (Ingrid Swinburn)
 •  Œuvre du Pain (Michael Wilson)
 •  Mail Addressed to French India (David Taylor Smith, Colin Spong)
 •  Guadeloupe 1917 Red Cross Issue Cover (Bill Mitchell, Peter Maybury)
 •  Czechs in the French Foreign Legion (Brian Day)
 •  WWI Service Suspended from French Guiana to Belgium (Robert Johnson)
 •  Cover Posted at Sea (John Simmons)
 •  Fournier's Facsimiles - a Comment (George Barker)
 •  A French Slogan Postmark (Richard Wheatley)

Number 228 - June 2003

The Le Monde des Philatélistes Brochure celebrates its Golden Jubilee (Mick Bister)
Some Early Machine Cancels - 2 (Bill Mitchell)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 76 (Ernst Cohn)
Airmail Cover - Bordeaux to Cameroun - 1940-41 (Marty Bratzel)
Togo in World War I - The French Occupation Issues (Jeremy Martin and Bill Mitchell)
Pages From My Collection 19 - An Interesting Guadeloupe Cover (John West)
Fournier's Facsimiles (Alan Wood)
Exchange of Commercial Mail between Switzerland and Occupied France and vice versa (Erik Menne Larsen)
Shorter Items:
 •  Powers of Attorney to deal with Postal Matters (Robert Johnson)
 •  An Interesting Registered Express Airmail Cover (Len Rowe)
 •  Hollow Star Cancellations (Roy Reader)
 •  Airmail Postage Paid Marking from Algiers 1940 (Ian McQueen)
 •  Interesting Overprinted Items (John Mayne)
 •  Mail Addressed to French India (Ron Wood)
 •  WWII Censorship and Cancelled Airmail Marks (Roy Reader)

Number 227 - March 2003 - Sower Centenary Issue

La Semeuse - The Early Years (Ashley Lawrence)
Pages From My Collection 18 - The Suspension of Mail Services in Time of War and Revolution (Robert Johnson)
Some Early Machine Cancels - 1 (Bill Mitchell)
A Red 10c Sower Rarity (David Jennings-Bramly)
La Semeuse - Chronology and Postal Usage (Ashley Lawrence)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 74 (Ernst Cohn)
The Sower - Miscellaneous Items (Robert Johnson)
The Sower in Literature (Alan Wood)
1914 - the 10c Red Sower and the Red Cross (John West)
Tariffs: Internal Letter Rates 1849-2002 (Derek Richardson)
Shorter Items:
 •  Algeria - the 1943 "E.F.M." Telegram Stamps (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Togo: the 1921 "Mandate" Issue Again! (Bill Mitchell)
 •  The Woermann Line (John Mayne)
 •  Département Conquis 131 (Arthur Dent)
 •  WWII Censorship and Cancelled Airmail Marks (John Sears)
 •  French Post Office in Shanghai (Malcolm Givans)
 •  Benin and Mail from Togo (John Mayne)

Number 226 - December 2002

Journal 226 December 2002Interzone Mail (1940-1944) - Part 3 (Roy Reader)
Hollow Star Cancellation on Pétain and other Stamps (Roy Reader)
Postage Due Stamps and Usages of French Colonies (Robert Stone)
Folded Business Postcards (Ian McQueen)
The 1F75 Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to France - Type 1 and 2 Sheet Printings (Mick Bister)
Congo Français - Oubangui-Chari: Concessionary Rates to Canada (Robert Johnson)
World War II French Naval Post - the Bâtiment de Ligne "Richelieu" (Bill Mitchell)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 72 (Ernst Cohn)
Shorter Items:
 •  French POW Camp in Kenya - a Postscript (Colin Spong)
 •  Benin and Mail from Togoland (John Sacher)
 •  A Query about the British Post Office Strike of 1971 and BP 300 at Calais (Robert Johnson)
 •  WWI Postcard of Aeroplane and Eiffel Tower (Jim Moffat, Don Malcolm)
 •  New PRIORITAIRE Handstamp in the Yvelines (John Simmons)
 •  De Gaulle's Stamp Campaign (Peter Whiting)
 •  New Numbers on Coil Stamps (Gerald Gosling)
 •  Czech-French Query on Palissy Label (Graham Slater)

Number 225 - September 2002

Journal 225 September 2002Interzone Mail (1940-1944) - Part 2 (Roy Reader)
The Pre-War Sower Épreuves de Luxe (David Jennings-Bramly)
French Equatorial Africa - two remote post offices and a competition (Robert Johnson)
France &nd Colonies Philatelic Society of Great Britain - Rules
Tariffs - Postal Rates for Mail Leaving the French Colonies 1876-1960 [Part 1 - to 1945] (Hervé Drye)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 70 (Ernst Cohn)
Shorter Items:
 •  Czech-French Query on Palissy Label (Mick Bister)
 •  Indo-China TPOs (David Taylor Smith)
 •  Laos Stamps with Obliterated Legend (Michael Round)
 •  Postage Due: Chiffres-Taxe Carrés (Robert Abensur)
 •  Togo - the 1921 "Mandate" Issue: Earliest Recorded Dates of Use - an Update (Bill Mitchell)
 •  WWI Postcard of Aeroplane and Eiffel Tower (Gerald Gosling)
 •  Zanzibar Postmark on Sage Stamps (Stewart Gardiner)
 •  French West Africa: Benin/Dahomey (John Mayne)

Number 224 - June 2002

Journal 224 June 2002A Message brought to Paris by Pigeon Post in 1870-71 (Ashley Lawrence)
French Andorra - the Merson Stamps (Alec Jacques)
Interzone Mail (1940-1944) - Part 1 (Roy Reader)
Pages From My Collection 17: French West Africa - not just a few pretty pictures (Bill Mitchell)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 68 (Ernst Cohn)
Index to Subjects in Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories (Ernst Cohn)
Shorter Items:
 •  Double Cancellation on Presidency Stamps (Richard Cheshire)
 •  Essays: The Bordès Proposal (Alan Wood)
 •  Inspectors' Marks (Small Number in Circle) (Peter Maybury)
 •  Service Suspended: Guatemala, June 1988 (Robert Johnson)
 •  Indo-China Postage Dues (David Taylor Smith)
 •  POW Camp in Kenya (Colin Spong, Georges Barot)
 •  Dépôt de l'Armée Polonaise, Vitré (George Leguen de Lacroix)

Number 223 - March 2002

Journal 223 March 2002Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 66 (Ernst Cohn)
Tariffs of Registered Letters Sent Abroad from France 1860-1880 (Thomas Berger}
Airmail Letter Rates from FWA to the UK and other European Countries before WWII (Bob Picirilli)
Hors Sac Mail (Jean-Luc Trassaert tr Mick Bister)
Tariffs: French Colonies' Postage Fee Equivalents for 1946 and 1949 (COL.FRA)
Shorter Items:
 •  Corsican "Bandit" Cachet (David Jennings-Bramly)
 •  Marianne de Briat Envelopes with Self-adhesive Flap (John Simmons)
 •  18th Century Pre-stamp Covers from Lisbon (Bill Mitchell, Fred Goatcher)
 •  But postcards can be opened (Robert Johnson)
 •  Cachets Cancelling Airmail Routes (Robert Johnson, Barbara Priddy)
 •  Czech-French Query (Colin Spong)
 •  Madagascar: 1903 Issue - Zebu and Traveller's Tree (Colin Spong)
 •  Benin Commemorative with 3 Dates (Peter Upson)
 •  Colonies Packet Section (John West)

Number 222 - December 2001

Journal 222 December 2001The 1F75 Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to France, Part 3 (Mick Bister)
French Internment Camps (continued), Chapter 16 - Septfonds (Tarn-et-Garonne) (Derek Richardson)
A Presursor of Recouvrement Postal (Robert Abensur)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 64 (Ernst Cohn)
Pages From My Collection 16 - Red Cross Card from Morocco (Bob Deakin)
Togo: The 1921 "Mandate" Issue - an Outstanding Perforation Variety (Jeremy Martin & Bill Mitchell)
Postal Tariff Information at the Centre des Archives d'Outre-Mer (CAOM) (Marty Bratzel)
Tariffs: Madagascar Air Tariffs 1929-1949 (Jacques Desnos)
Shorter Items:
 •  US Forces Postcard from Guadeloupe (John West)
 •  Pas de Nom / Dist. Impossible (John Simmons)
 •  18th Century Pre-stamp Covers from Lisbon (David Stirrups)
 •  Two Unusual Covers (Fred Goatcher)
 •  Air France "New Night Air Mail" Label (Robert Johnson)
 •  Inspectors' Marks (Small Number in Circle) (David Jennings-Bramly)
 •  Le Type Sage - an 1898 Military/Maritime Cover (Bill Mitchell)
 •  World War I Oval Censorship Marks in France (Chris Hitchen & Stéphane Strowski tr Maurice Tyler)
 •  1878 Exposition Universelle Vignette (Robert Johnson)
 •  Congo Français Handwritten AR Form (Robert Johnson)

Number 221 - September 2001

Journal 221 September 2001A 20F Pont du Gard Perforation 11 x 11 Variety (David Jennings-Bramly)
The Post Offices of French West Africa, Part 2 - Ivory Coast (conclusion) (Bill Mitchell & Laurence Lambert)
The 1F75 Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to France, Part 2 (Mick Bister)
Pages From My Collection 15 - Development of Air Routes via Mauritania (Peter Kelly)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 62 (Ernst Cohn)
Cameroun - Spanish Guinea Postal Connections (Marty Bratzel)
Post-Independence Djibouti (Peter Upson)
1876 Change in Stamping Mail between France and British Colonies (Robert Johnson)
Shorter Items:
 •  Boîte Rurale and Décime Rural (Georges Barot, Peter Maybury)
 •  French Departmental Numbers (Alan Wood)
 •  Private Prioritaire Label (John Simmons)
 •  POW Camp in Kenya (Colin Spong)
 •  "Return to Sender" Label on Unsealed Envelope between 1.1.1876 and 1.5.1878 (Robert Abensur)
 •  Two Interesting WWI Items (Alec Swain)
 •  The Post Offices of FWA - Benin/Dahomey: Supplement (Bill Mitchell & Laurence Lambert)

Number 220 - June 2001

Journal 220 June 2001The Cancellations of Bureaux de Recette, Facteurs Boîtiers and Bureaux Auxiliaires, 1876-1900 (Peter Kelly)
The Post Offices of French West Africa, Part 2 - Ivory Coast (Bill Mitchell & Laurence Lambert)
The 1F75 Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to France, Part 1 (Mick Bister)
The Paknam Incident (John Garner)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 60 (Ernst Cohn)
Shorter Items:
 •  50F Guynemer (Alan Wood)
 •  Two Unusual Covers (Colin Spong & Grahame Lindsey)
 •  From France to South Africa in the Boer War (Peter Kelly & Richard Stroud)
 •  POW Camp in Kenya (Georges Barot)
 •  Three Covers (Gerald Gosling)
 •  FWA and Togo Mixed Franking (David Tress)
 •  Boîte Rurale and Décime Rural (Peter Kelly, Roland Goutay, Tony Swinburn, Ian McQueen)

Number 219 - March 2001

Journal 219 March 2001Internal Parcel Post (Bernard Lucas)
The Concessionary Franco-Canadian Rates (Mick Bister)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 58 (Ernst Cohn)
French West Africa - the First (Provisional) Issue of 1943-44 (Bill Mitchell)
Pages From My Collection (14) - The French Foreign Legion in Morocco (Bob Deakin)
Aspects of the Postal History of French West Africa North of the Niger (Peter Kelly)
Îles Éparses: Stations Météorologiques Françaises (Colin Spong)
Printed Matter Sent in Open Envelopes 1.1.1876 to 1.5.1878 (Peter Kelly & Chris Hitchen)
Sex in Postal History (Jerry Massler)
Shorter Items:
 •  Rural and Local Postmen of the Type Sage Period 1876-1900 (Peter Kelly)
 •  Two puzzling covers - (1) a boîte rurale mark, and (2) a postage deficiency label (Gerald Gosling)
 •  French Cameroun - Perforations of the 1946 Set (Rob May)
 •  World War I Censorship in Niger (Michael Ensor)
 •  50F Guynemer (Mick Bister)
 •  Le Type Sage - an 1898 Military/Maritime Cover (Bill Mitchell)
 •  Air Orient from Poste aux Armées 600 (David Taylor Smith, Georges Barot)
 •  Folded Business Postcards (Ernst Cohn)
Number 218 December 2000
Journal 218 December 2000Postal Humour (R I Johnson)  
Togo: the French Occupation (6 August 1914 - 30 September 1922) – Some New Discoveries (W G Mitchell)  
Introduction to the Rural and Urban Post during the Type Sage period 1876-1900 (P R A Kelly)
French Internment Camps (continued): Chapter 15 - Brens (Tarn) (D J Richardson)
Shorter Items:
  •  An Unrecorded Courrier-Convoyeur-Ligne (?) (A Swain)
  •  Where has Monsieur Sinais gone? (J M Simmons)  
  •  Issues for German Cameroon and Togo used by the French (E J Mayne)
  •  French Cinderella Stamps or Labels (C W Spong)  
  •  French Indian Settlements to Cochin-China (J West, R Wood)
  •  ColiPoste (M S Tyler)  
  •  Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 56 (E M Cohn)  
  •  Pages From My Collection: (13) Fakes and Forgeries of 20th Century French Postage Stamps (R G Gethin)  
Number 217 September 2000
Journal 217 September 2000The River Posts in Cambodia and Laos (J H Garner)
Cameroun – A Tale of Three Covers (W G Mitchell)
The Year of Edmund Dulac (C W Spong)  
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories (E M Cohn)
Postal Humour (R I Johnson)
Pages from my Collection  (12) World War I POW Camps in Morocco (R C Deakin)
Shorter Items:
  •  An Odd Thai Cover (J M S Roberts)  
  •  Indo-China Cover (D Taylor Smith)  
  •  The 50c Jeanne d’Arc Stamp - erratum (M L Bister)  
  •  La Grande Cassure (Yv 60A - 25c type 1) (P W Palmer)  
  •  Mail from French Occupied Togo to French Occupied Morocco (E J Mayne)  
  •  The French Union - addendum (C W Spong)  
  •  Another “Unused” False Merson Emerges (D Jennings-Bramly)
  •  Air Orient from Poste aux Armées 600 (I McQueen)  
  •  An “affranchissement philatélique” (J M Simmons)
Number 216 June 2000

Journal 216 June 2000The 50c Jeanne d'Arc Stamp (M L Bister)
French Internment Camps (continued): Chapter 14 - Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe (Tarn) (D J Richardson)  
Air France Handstamps from South America (I McQueen)  
Pages From My Collection
   (10) German Stamps on Togo Mail for Europe (E J Mayne)
   (11) The Beginning of the Conquest of Morocco - Part III (R C Deakin)
Colonies Booklets - Madagascar (C W Spong)
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 52 (E M Cohn)  
Postal Humour (R I Johnson)  
Shorter Items 
  •  Saigon to Calcutta by Emergency Airmail Service (D Taylor Smith)  
  •  Togo Cinderellas (E J Mayne)  
  •  Sowers used as Tax Stamps [erratum} (M S Tyler)  
  •  Martinique and Anjouan Overprints on Postage Dues (E J Mayne)  
  •  The Missing Centenarian (M S Tyler)   
  •  Empire Chérifien (P A Baker, M S Tyler)  
  •  Censor Marks on WWI Togo and Bulgarian Mail (E J Mayne)  
  •  French Colonies - Stamps on Cover, Varieties, and Forged Surcharges (C Hudelmaier)  
  •  An Odd Thai Cover (J H Garner)
  •  Avis de Réception Cachets from Former French Colonies (G T J Pullan)
  •  Belgian (?) Cachet of 1905 on Paris Exhibition Label of 1900 (M Mobbs, A Swain)  
  •  Saigon to Calcutta by Emergency Airmail Service [addendum} (D Taylor Smith)
  •  An Interesting 1915 Ambulant (A Swain)

Number 215 March 2000

Journal 215 March 2000The Post Offices of French West Africa (W G Mitchell & L H Lambert)
Pages From My Collection:  (9) The Beginning of the Conquest of Morocco - Part II (R C Deakin)   
Charging British Postage by Distance after 1840 (G F Oxley)
The Ligne de Saigon à Bangkok (J H Garner) 
Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 50 (E M Cohn) 
Result of Ernst Cohn's Quiz  
Shorter Items:
 •  Sowers used as Tax Stamps (T F C Waterman) 
 •  The Missing Centenarian (M Meadowcroft)   
 •  WWI German Field Post Office in France (E E Fricks)      
 •  Syria and Lebanon Items (I McQueen)     
 •  French Military Censor Marks on WWI Cover from Bulgaria (M J Whittaker)
 •  11 x 11 Perforated Sowers (R L Gaillaguet)
 •  The "PAQ.ANGL.B.M / BORDEAUX" Handstamp of 1874 (P R A Kelly
 •  The French Union (C W Spong)